Monday, May 27, 2019

Women at Work

Assignment Article summary The article Family Coping Strategies Balancing Paid job and Domestic Labour by Meg Luxton sheds a different view on the responsibilities laid out in family life. In todays society its almost a necessity to conduct two parents working, to support a family. This fact, along with the improvement of females having independence, is the cause of the ever growing number of working women. These, along with many other statistics are showing the rapid improvement and potpourri that woman and families are showing. Year after year we can see the dynamics of the family shifting.It is not the identical anymore, that women are the housewives doing all the housework and childcare. However women still have to work to number the equality, and not have to face The insurgent shift once they get home. Husbands need to start stepping up and help out. Workplaces too need to step up, in the sense that they need to try and create better working environments for women. Union s have been formed to try to perfect benefits, and to shed light on the negative aspects they may have. This whole article shows an interesting view on family coping strategies, and gives loads for people to think about.Societys gender roles are changing significantly with the rise in the amount of women who are contributing to the yearly income of their households. It has been proven that because women are jump to contribute to household incomes it has resulted in increased satisfaction mingled with husbands and wives and excuses from males such as Im the one bringing home the money, I deserve to rest when I get home are becoming less valid. A statistics Canada survey in 1995 stated that 64% of women who worked said it was essential for their happiness and 55% hold that it was the best instruction to be independent.Females at work who are married no longer have to depend on their husbands for their needs because they are sufficient to provide them on their own. Unlike the man y women who stay with their first mate in an unhappy or abusive relationship collectable to the resource theory which is a theory that explains how women will not leave in fear that if they do they will not be able to support themselves, most working women with a stable job will easily find the strength to leave because they are more independent.Having a job gives women a sense of control of their lives and an boilersuit high self-esteem because they are recognized by their husbands as well as children for their work. Not only does it give women something to do, it also ensures stability in ones family income. hither are a few statistics that demonstrate the challenge of balancing paid employment and domestic labor within the family setting in Canada. This challenge arises because of the inequalities between what men and women earn in the work force and also because of the uneven distribution of chores in unpaid domestic labor.If we compare salaries in 1997, men had the high inco me of the couple in 77% of Canadian families. (Globe and Mail 21 Feb. 2000). This situation has however improved since the early 60s when 70% of women in male-female couples were dependent on their spouse as the sole income provider. (Oderkirk, Silver and Prudhomme 1994. ) Also when couples divorced mens incomes raised on average 10% whereas womens income usually decreased by 23% in 1997(Toronto Star 10 April 1997).Women feel pressured to work from home or part- sequence because they are frequently expected to do most of the domestic labour and this is their way to balance the two. In 1993 they represented nearly 70% of Canadian part-time workers (Ghalam 1993). On sharing of domestic labour front, are still generally the ones to do the bulk of it although men have been more active in this part of family life since the 70s. Women are involved the most in childcare. In 1998, 80 percentage of women spent more than 15 hours on childcare compared to only 49% of men (Statistics Canada 1 998a).These statistics show some improvement in the overall equality between the work load divided between men and women in families. However women are still usually found in a position of blemish compared to men. The fact that women have joined the work force doesnt seem to have impacted the way man act at home. Even though there have been many chances throughout the years on how women are seen in society and there role it, there hasnt been much change when it comes to domestic labour. It is still very sex segregated.In the past adult man were those had the primary responsibility of earning the income for the family while the role for an adult woman was to act as the housewives whose primary responsibility was running the family home, having children and caring for its members. Yet now that women share the responsibility of bringing in the income, the logic would that man also help nigh the house but instead what is now happening is that women find themselves carrying out the do uble shift, where they go to work in the morning and then they go home to cook, lean, get the kids to bed and have their things prepared for next day. Due to this unlikeness of household work between men and women, women find themselves at a disadvantage because they have to learn to balance both domestic labour and paid work, which results in them not putting as much effort in their job as they could, therefrom they do not reach their best potential which results in lack of opportunities for them. Some workplace calls their work family friendly.What this delegacy for them is women can come at work a bit earlier and leave earlier. A few women have struggled to make workplaces more cooperative for their soulfulness lives. They have fought for maternity, parental, etc. in order to take care of their love ones. Family friendly workplace as well includes women taking their specific amount of illness days (allowed days tally) to go take care of their family and once those days ende d, therefore will unpaid for additional days taken.Some will have iii weeks off to taking care of their hospitalized husband but will be paid only one week. They are basically losing 66. 7% of their paycheck due that. Those women will have to leave their husband at home to take care of themselves and will have to go back to work due to the time allowed was only three weeks. What the employers do not know is the fact they become anxious therefore difficult to focus at work. Most workplace relies on women workers who are experienced or more skilled because it is hard to replace them.Therefore, those women are more advantaged to have more privilege than others. The time you have off at work it is very limited that women will have to sacrifice in order to balance family and paid work. Employers do not understand or ignores the fact that those women have family and the time (days off allowed) given up is insufficient for them. In conclusion nowadays its harder to survive with only one income so both men and women have to bring an income to be able to accommodate to todays needs.A job for women brings a sense of control to their life and independence. Although employers have given benefits to women such as maternity leave which is great because women dont have to worry about since they will have an income coming while caring for their newborn , yet these benefits that employers give them can sometimes be seen as superficial because they know that women tend to need to leave work more often than men ( because they take care of the family) employers are most likely going to ive promotion to men or hiring men for the more important position enchant leaves women in what is known as the glass ceiling where their chances of going up in their career is reduced . Women dont only face inequality at work but they also face it at home where domestic labour is still sex segregation and women come home to the second shift where they are expected to take care of household work . We all need to realize that women are both important in the workforce and for the childrearing therefore we should encourage them to keep doing both by giving them the proper support that they deserve.

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