Wednesday, May 15, 2019

BUSINESS CAPSTONE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BUSINESS CAPSTONE - Essay ExampleThe issues that companies mostly deal with are unionization, capital punishment of change, threat of new entrants, issues pertaining to law and sometime faces intimidations due to turbulent business and political environment. In this strike, the issues confront by CSC Australia will be uncovered. CSC is an Australian company involved in providing technology enabled business solutions and function to the clients (CSC). The company caters to both the private as well as the government clients. The company supplies desktop computers to the client sites. The supplies are made at the local corporate head offices of the client (Background 2012). However, the company is now on the job(p) with an oil and Gas corporation, whose onsite preservation refers to delivering of desktops to the offshore locations. Delivering desktops to abroad locations creates huge environmental risk and if anything goes wrong during the delivery attend to, CSC Australia will b e liable and whitethorn need to compensate the client. Moreover, the client is also asking for eternal liability rather initial capping on contract. In this context, according to the vice president of CSC Australia, Michael Horton, CSC Australia is facing issues colligate to liability capping. Liability capping is generally carried out or negotiated prior initiating the contract, but allows renegotiations (Issue 2012). Therefore it dissolve be stated that the company is presently dealing with issues pertaining to law suits. Causes The primary reason behind the arising legal issues is in general related with the liability capping. CSC Australia fears that, if unlimited liability is accepted, it may cause serious damages to the companys financial position. Apart from that, acceptance of unlimited liability may create more burden on CSC as their client may ask to compensate the entire worth of their company. For example, if anything worst happens and if the client is a large compan y, the compensation claimed by them can be far more than the actual worth and can ruin the financial stability of CSC Australia. Hence it can be stated that unlimited liability may pose huge threat to the company. Nevertheless, for the company to successfully close the deal and ensure lowest feasible liability capping, negotiation with the client needfully to be properly carried out (Cause 2012) The first section of the study has identified the issue faced by CSC Australia and its causes. Now in the next half of the project, the solution or how the issue can be addressed by the company will be suggested. In this process several alternatives will be developed and the best alternative will be chosen for implementation. graphic symbol 2 Decision Criteria In order to deal with the legal issue, CSC Australia needs to make proper decision. Although to substantiate rid of the concern, the company will have a number of alternatives, but to deal with the issues effectively, the company n eeds to choose the best alternative. A decision criterion refers to the factors, based on which the alternative cours

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