Monday, December 23, 2019

The Council of Ministers/Council of the EU - 543 Words

The EU is a ‘tricameral’ legislative system, consisting of three separate bodies. As part of EU version of a system of checks and balances, the tricameral nature of the EU ensures that a balance is struck between the governments of the member states (Council), the European Union (Commission), and the EU citizens (Parliament). The Council of Ministers/Council of the EU – 220 words The Council of the EU (the Council of Ministers) is responsible for deciding those legislative measures to be taken at EU level, rather than domestic level, and also for deciding the government ministers of member states. The Council of Ministers consists of ministers from the governments of the member states, each (supposedly*) representing the interests of their own country. The Presidency of the Council is held by each country for six months. July 2005 marked the beginning of the UK’s most recent Presidency. The Council of Ministers appoints one minister from each of governments of the twenty-eight member states. Ministers will attend meetings according to the issue which is being discussed and whether or not it falls under their policy area. Nine configurations are responsible for different issues, such as education, youth and culture, environment, employment and social policy, and financial and economic affairs. The Council is one of the most important decision-making bodies of the EU, existing in order to represent the interests of the member states with regards to EU policy andShow MoreRelatedThe European Council And The Council Of Ministers1345 Words   |  6 PagesEssay: ‘The European Council and the Council of Ministers are the best way to ensure democracy in the EU.’ Do you agree? Illustrate your answer with examples. A democratic legislature requires law-makers to be elected by its citizens and present as their representatives. The significance of democratic values in the EU governance. The democratic foundations of the EU have been defined in the Treaty of Lisbon – democratic equality, representative democracy and participatory democracy. ThroughoutRead MoreEuropean Union Vs. European Policy Making1592 Words   |  7 PagesAre member states or EU institutions the most powerful players in EU policy making? (400 words) The question of whether member states or EU institutions have more power than one another with regards to policy making can be answered by looking at the process of how European Union decisions are made. The policy making process begins with legislation being proposed by the European Commission. The Commission also has the role to investigate any social or economic implications that the proposed legislationRead MoreThe European Court of Justice766 Words   |  3 PagesEuropean Court of Justice is the main governing body for the EU and enforcer of the laws over all of its member states. The functions of the European Court of Justice is to enforce Community law, to tackle disputes between member states and the European council and between the member states themselves, and also to protect the rights of all European individuals. The court consists of three courts, Court of Justice of the EU, General court and the EU civil service tribunal which are all located in LuxembourgRead MoreThe European Union Essay1037 Words   |  5 Pagesgovernment-like-framework (EU Parliament), simultaneously, it also has loose intergovernmental institutions (Council of European Union and the European Council). It is a complex hybrid organization, falling somewhere between the intergovernmental cooperative United Nations, and the federal government of United States of America. The chief constituting bodies are namely, 1. European Commission 2. European Parliament 3. European Council 4. Council of Ministers/ Council of EU/ EU Council (â€Å"The Council†) 5. EuropeanRead MoreResponsibilities Of The Different Levels Of Government1340 Words   |  6 Pageslarge impact on European Union citizens and their public services. There are 751 members, who represent 28 member states of the EU. From the UK there are 73 members who represent our country and its ideas. Sharing power with the council, the European government can make and change legislative proposals; they can also decide on the EU’s budget and communicates with the EU countries. The MEP’s are elected by voters from all Member States every five years. The European government effects us as they createRead MorePolitics C : The United States And The European Union1032 Words   |  5 Pagesthis essay I will analyse to what extent the E.U. impinges upon the national sovereignty of its member states. In order to arrive at a conclusion my answer will provide analysis and evaluation of the powers and functions of the EU Commission, the council of ministers and the EU parliame nt. The nature of the relationship between each of the above institutions and the nature of the relationship between the European union and the individual member states with regard to national sovereignty. The EuropeanRead MoreThe Effect Of The Contemporary Banking Crisis Essay1364 Words   |  6 Pagesadopted to keep bloom issues primarily at civic akin and so accept provided alone limited powers for EU activity in following of health. Despite this aberration in the EU’s access appear health, the EU does have a abundant ambit of behaviour that affect health, and an accretion amount of initiatives that try to advance bloom or annul potentially annoying effects of added behaviour on health. The EU has four amount institutions: an controlling (the European Commission),two aldermanic bodies (the EuropeanRead MoreThe European Union is a Strong and Powerful Organization1230 Words   |  5 Pagesdone during the past years making the EU law sometime confusing and frustrating for some other countries. During this essay we will explain how the European Union is structured, explaining the most important institutions and how these institutions interact with each other knowing that sometimes exceptions are made for someone’s and not for others. Creating problem between parties. The aim of this essay is to understand the EU structure and assess how the EU laws are applied to such an organisationRead MoreLegal Environment of Business1600 Words   |  7 Pages3 1. Legislation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 2. Execution tasks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......................................................................3 3. Judicial power†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...4 3. The constitutional order of the EU†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 1. Legislation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 2. Execution tasks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 3. Judicial power†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 4. Conclusions (similarities + differences)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 5.Read MoreEuropean Union : Its Impact On International Perception Of The Eu1262 Words   |  6 PagesWar II with a much unified marketplace, connected through a single currency, the Euro. The EU is a unique structure in that it is one of the biggest governing alliances worldwide that has been reasonably successful in its purpose. There are several elements of the structure, such as the European Council, European Parliament, Council of the EU, and the European Commission, as well as many others that help the EU to run efficiently and effectively. One of the most important aspects of the European Union

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Kibera Slum Free Essays

Kibera Case Study:- [pic] Kibera is a slum divsion in the City of Nairobi, Kenya. It is located 5 kilometres from the city centre. It is the largest slum in Nairobi and the second largest in Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on Kibera Slum or any similar topic only for you Order Now A 2009 population and housing survey reported that Kibera’s population as 170,070. It is hard to acccurately compute the population due to the fact that the slum hasnt been officially reconised by the Kenyan government. Furthermore because it is a slum, residents may not be able to read or write, so filling in censes are a problem. General Facts:- |Population |700-900k | |Distance from Nairobi |7 km | |Physical size (acres) |~630 | |Portion of people earning 15% | |Est. AIDS orphans |50,000 | |Portion of people renting |93% | |Avg. monthly rent |$15USD | |Avg. # rooms per dwelling |1. 11 | |Typical room size |9†² x 9†² | It is a place where the people who live there face innumerable challenges, including the following, to name a few†¦ †¢ Living in one-room houses made of mud, with tin roofs with about 1m? of space per person. †¢ No running water (most water has to be purchased from brokers) †¢ Little to no access to electricity †¢ Widespread unemployment and low wage-earning rates ( $1 a day for the majority) †¢ Rampant disease, from malaria to cholera to HIV †¢ Lack of ownership of their property Improvements:- After a decade or so there has been an increase in efforts to improve conditions. The most notable example is KENSUP, or the Kenya Slum Upgrading Project, which is sponsored by UN-HABITAT. Resulting from a 2000 meeting between President Moi and the UN Human Settlements Programme, KENSUP aims to improve physical structures in Kibera and other slums through a process called â€Å"slum upgrading. † The program calls for the temporary relocation of residents of Kibera to adjacent â€Å"decanting sites,† allowing the construction of permanent dwellings to proceed in the Kiberan villages. Work has commenced in the Soweto East village, and as of September 2009, the first decanting site was under construction. Kibera needs land/tenancy rights, housing, water, electricity, health clinics, education, employment, security plus much more. All these issues are being addressed to a lesser or greater extent by many organizations including the Churches, UN-Habitat, MSF, AMREF etc. Money is finding its way through from many international organizations including Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton Foundation, all the well known charities and of course the churches both in Africa and internationally. How to cite Kibera Slum, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Some Technical Language with Use the IRAC Method †Sample

Question: Hamid is a refugee from Afghanistan who was recently released from the detentioncentre in PNG and is currently living in Adelaide. While walking in Rundle Mall one day he was approached by Kathy who was selling internet access contracts for anewly formed internet company Speed Connect Pty Ltd. Hamid speaks very little English and Kathy is aware of this. Kathy explains the terms of the contract which isessentially that Hamid would be bound to a 2 year contract and if he breaks the contract anytime before the 2 years he will incur a $1,200 penalty. The contractcomes with a free Samsung tablet. Kathy uses some technical language to explain theterms to Hamid, aware that he doesnt understand the full extend of the contract terms.There is a telephone translation service available but Kathy choses not to use this asthis translation service usually takes twice as long. Kathy works on a commissionbasis. The more contracts she sells the more she earns. She wants to sign up thiscontract quickly as she is keen to sign up three more contract before close of business. Hamid has been thinking of getting internet connection as he wishes to Skype hisfamily back home in Afghanistan and also to do a free on-line English course. He is under the impression that he can terminate this contract anytime he wants without anypenalty and all he has to do is give Speed Connect one months notice and return thetablet. Three months into the contract Hamid finds that he is unable to cope with thefinancial demands of this contract as there are many hidden costs which he was unaware. When he contacted Speed Connect to give his termination notice he wasshocked to learn that there is a $1500 penalty. Advise Hamid if this contract with Speed Connect is valid? Can he get out of thiscontract? Use the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application Conclusion) method to answer yourquestion. Answer: Issue: In the present case, the issue that needs to be decided is if Hamid has a valid contract with Speed Connect and at the same time is it possible for Hamid to terminate the contract. Hamid had very little knowledge of English language and on the other hand, Kathy who was aware of the fact that Hamid does not know English well, but in his efforts to sell the maximum number of contracts, fails to fully explain the terms of the contract. At the same time, she does not use the translation service that is available to her but makes Hamid entered a contract without completely understanding the terms of the contract. After three months, Hamid finds out that he cannot pay all the money under the contract due to the reason that several hidden costs were involved in it. However when Hamid wanted to terminate the contract, he came to know that they will have to pay a penalty of $1500 in case he wanted to end the contract. Rule: A contract can be explained as an agreement that is present between two or more parties and is legally enforceable. In this way, a contract is created when an offer is made by one party and the same is accepted by the other party (Griggs, 2005). The unfair contract terms law is applicable to the consumer contracts that have been defined by the Competition and Consumer Act, 2010 and also by the ASIC Act. The Competition and Consumer Act provides that a consumer contract is a contract that is related with the supply of goods or services or is related with the sale or grant to an individual, of interest in land. A somewhat similar definition has been given to a consumer contract by the ASIC which applies to the financial products and services. In this regard, it needs to be noted that the unfair contract terms law is not applicable in case of a contract for supply of goods or services by one business to another. It also needs to be noted in this regard that a standard form contract has not been defined by unfair contract terms law. But broadly speaking, the standard form contract is a contract that has been prepared by one party only and has not been subjected to the negotiations that may take place between the parties (Zumbo, 2005). In this way, a standard form contract is offered to the other party on "take it or leave it basis". Generally, the use of standard form contracts is seen in case of supply of goods and services in a number of industries like telecommunications, travel, domestic building, motor vehicles and finance. In order to decide if a contract can be termed as a standard form contract, among other factors, a court may be required to consider the below mentioned things. For example it needs to be considered if under the transaction, most of the bargaining power is enjoyed by one party alone; If only one party has prepared the contract without any discussions with the other pa rty; if the other party only had the choice to accept or reject the contract, that too in the same way in which it is presented to such party; if other party had an opportunity to negotiate regarding the terms of such a contract and if the specific characteristics related with the other party or that particular transaction have been taken into account (Howell, 2006). In this regard, it also needs to be noted that there are certain contracts that have been excluded from the operation of unfair contract terms the decision. For example, contracts related with shipping, managed investment schemes, the constitutions of companies and insurance contracts do not fall within the purview of this legislation (Nottage, 2009). Application: A major question that needs to be decided in such cases is that when a term can be considered as 'unfair'. If the court comes to the conclusion that the term is unfair and as a result void, it means that the term can be considered as it has never existed. But at the same time it also needs to be noted that the rest of the contract continuous combined the parties to the extent to which it can operate in the absence of the unfair term (Tucker, 2003). The law provides in this regard that a term of the contract can be considered as unfair if such term results in a considerable imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties that may arise under the contract. Similarly a term can be considered as unfair if such term is not reasonably necessary in order to protect legitimate interests of such party that will be advantaged by including the term in the contract and if the term would result in a detriment to the other party if such term is applied or relied upon (Treasury, Australian Government, 2009). In the present case, if the term is imposed, it will result in a detriment to Hamid. At the same time, the term related with penalty is not necessary for protecting the interests of Speed Connect. On the other hand, the presence of the term results in a major imbalance of rights and obligations under the contract between Hamid and Speed Connect. In order to decide if the term in a standard form contract can be considered as unfair, a three stage test is applied by the court to see unfairness. Section 24(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act provides that the term of a consumer contract can be considered as unfair if such term would result in a major imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties and if such term is not reasonably necessary to provide protection to the legitimate interests of that party which would be one days by it and if they turn would result in a detriment to the other party if it is applied or relied upon (Nahan and Webb, 2013). It is required that all the three limbs of the unfairness test have been established that may allow the court to arrive at the conclusion that a particular term can be held as unfair. In the present case also, Kathy had used the standard form contract for creating a contract between Hamid and Speed Connect. First of all, the court is required to consider if a term in the consumer contract may result in considerable imbalance among the rights and obligations of the parties under the contract. For this purpose, a factual assessment needs to be conducted of all the available evidence. For the purpose of this part of the test, the claimant has to establish that a particular term of the contract would result in a major imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties as provided by the contract (Radin, 1996). According to the next part of the test for unfairness of a term of the contract, a court is required to consider if such term is reasonably necessary for providing protection to legitimate interests of that party which has inserted the term in the contract. Under the third part of this test, the court has to find if the term would result in a detriment to the opposite party if it is applied. In this regard it needs to be noted that such detriment can be financial or otherwise (Eis enberg, 1995). In order to decide if a term of the standard form consumer contract can be considered as unfair or not, any method may be taken into consideration by the court as it thinks fit. However, for this purpose, the court must consider the transparency of the term and at the same time it should also consider the contract as a whole (Slawson, 1971). In case of a lack of transparency in a term, significant imbalance may be created in the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. A term of the contract can be considered as transparent if such term has been expressed in plain language. At the same time, it is also required that such term should be legible, it should be presented clearly to the other party and similarly it should be readily available to such party. After evaluating the present contract, it appears that there was a lack of transparency regarding the terms of the contract with Speed Connect. In this regard it needs to be noted that a term may not be considered as transparent by the court if such term is hidden in fine print or if such term has been phrased in technical or complex language. At the same time, the fairness of a particular term of the contract cannot be decided in isolation but it needs to be evaluated by considering the contract as a whole. Conclusion: In the present case, Kathy had not explained to Hamid, the terms of the contract despite the fact that she was aware that Hamid was not well versed in English language. On the other hand, she used technical language for explaining the contract knowing fully well that Hamas will not completely understand the terms of the contract. At the same time, Kathy decided against the use of telephone translation service. The reason was that if they wanted to sell the contract quickly because she wanted to sign three more contracts as she worked on a commission basis. Therefore in the present case it can be said that although there is a valid contract between Hamid and Speed Connect, the terms of the standard form contract were not explained to Hamid. In the same way, there was not sufficient transparency in the terms of the contract. As a result, these terms can be considered as void by the court and Hamid can terminate the contract. References Frank Zumbo, 2005, Dealing with Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts: Is Australia Falling Behind? 13 Trade Practices Law Journal 70 Luke Nottage, 2009, Consumer Law Reform in Australia: Contemporary and Comparative Constructive Criticism 9 Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 111, 1216. Lynden Griggs, 2005, The [Ir]rational Consumer and Why We Need National Legislation Governing Unfair Contract Terms 13 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 51 Margaret Jane Radin, 1996, Contested Commodities (Harvard University Press) Melvin Aron Eisenberg, 1995, The Limits of Cognition and the Limits of Contract 47 Stanford Law Review 211 Nicola Howell, 2006, Catching Up with Consumer Realities: The Need for Legislation Prohibiting Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts 34 Australian Business Law Review, 447 Nyuk Yin Nahan and Eileen Webb, 2013, Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts in Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (eds), Consumer Law Policy in Australia New Zealand (Federation Press) 129, 131 Philip Tucker, 2003, Unconscionability: The Hegemony of the Narrow Doctrine under the Trade Practices Act 11 Trade Practices Law Journal 78. Treasury, Australian Government, 2009, The Nature and Application of Unconscionable Conduct Regulation: Can Statutory Unconscionable Conduct be Further Clarified in Practice? (Issues Paper) available at Accessed 26 January W David Slawson, 1971, Standard Form Contracts and Democratic Control of Lawmaking Power 84 Harvard Law Review 529

Saturday, November 30, 2019

What Dedication Is to Me free essay sample

Pondering the meaning of any word can be a struggle, as everyone has their own views of what the word really means; it is all perception. Dedication is one of the words that has many different meanings. To some, dedication is waking up every day and getting to work on time. Now, one may think that is a simple task. But maybe that person was the kind of guy who could never hold a job because he forgot to show up to work. Being on time may be his dedication. To me, dedication is much more. The word dedication and persistence go hand in hand. When I wake up every day, hungry to be the best I can, that is not enough. Dedication to me is the countless hours of work I put into myself, because when hockey and baseball season come around every year, I am always ready to be better than I was last time. We will write a custom essay sample on What Dedication Is to Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dedication is a part of who I am, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. The dictionary definition, â€Å"the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose,† serves me no good (Webster.) By the dictionary definition, someone who commits to anything is dedicated. Maybe this is true, but dedication to me is committing to the betterment of myself. Simply put, dedication is not easy. To me, it is waking up at 4:30 am early every day in the summer. From there, I make it over to the gym to be the first one there so that all of the equipment is open and ready to use. I may spend an hour in there, or maybe I will spend three. Whatever the case, I am home by 9 am. Many would be ready to hit the sheets again, and sleep for another few hours, but what good does that do? None, because then it is time to go to the hitting cages to get some swings in – after all, practice makes perfect. The time I spend at the cages could range from two hours to four hours, so by this time it is the afternoon. On some days, I go to the ice rink and work on my skills there. Others, I take some time to rest my body. Nonetheless, it is not easy, but it is how I love to spend my summer. Sometimes dedication is overlooked. A lot of times, no one knows what I do and when I put in work. Sure, they may see that I have gotten better, but they do not know the blood, sweat, and tears that I have put into it all. Better yet, people overlook my academic abilities. While school comes easy to some, being in two sports makes it tough to have time for schoolwork.I try to not let it stop me, though. If I ever find myself slacking off in a class, I make sure to do everything in my power to bring up my grade, whether it be studying until 1 am, or going into school early to seek help prior to a test.Currently, I am working on achieving a GPA of 3.7, and will not stop working until I do. Thomas Edison once said, (â€Å"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.†) Be it school work, or work on myself for sports, the word genius is replaceable. This quote brings me back a ways, as I first heard it from my uncle. When I first heard this quote, it struck me profoundly like a plunge in an icy lake. My uncle is a very hardworking man, and has been all his life. He is no superstar, and to some people merely an average man, but to me he is much more. My uncle has not missed a day of work in 7 years. He goes in every day and gives it his best shot, even when he may not be right. He is a successful man, a family man, and I’m proud to call him my uncle. When I asked him how he was able to be such a success, for I used to think money was the definition of success, he answered me this, â€Å"It is not always about what you know now. It is not always about what you can do now. It is about working so hard that you become the best at those t hings you never once could do, or know those things you didn’t know like the back of your hand.† That, like the quote from Edison he later told me, has stayed with me all my life.Dedication is pushing through when you want so badly to give up.When running the marathon, at one point the only thing I had on my mind was giving up.It seemed to be just a matter of when I was going to give up, but I pushed through and finished the race. Dedication is not simply committing to it until you get where your goal is. Rather, it is realizing you hit that goal, only to set the next goal, and keep working for that. To some people, dedication is waking up in the morning and being on time to work. To me, dedication is putting everything I have into myself. Be it school, work, or sports, I make sure to wake up every day knowing I am better today than I was yesterday. Dedication is believing in yourself every single day, and waking up better than the last day. That is dedication. Works Cited â€Å"Dedication.† Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 9 Nov. 2017. â€Å"Quotes about Dedication.† GoodReads. What Dedication Is to Me free essay sample Pondering the meaning of any word can be a struggle, as everyone has their own views of what the word really means; it is all perception. Dedication is one of the words that has many different meanings. To some, dedication is waking up every day and getting to work on time. Now, one may think that is a simple task. But maybe that person was the kind of guy who could never hold a job because he forgot to show up to work. Being on time may be his dedication. To me, dedication is much more. The word dedication and persistence go hand in hand. When I wake up every day, hungry to be the best I can, that is not enough. Dedication to me is the countless hours of work I put into myself, because when hockey and baseball season come around every year, I am always ready to be better than I was last time. We will write a custom essay sample on What Dedication Is to Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dedication is a part of who I am, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. The dictionary definition, â€Å"the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose,† serves me no good (Webster.) By the dictionary definition, someone who commits to anything is dedicated. Maybe this is true, but dedication to me is committing to the betterment of myself. Simply put, dedication is not easy. To me, it is waking up at 4:30 am early every day in the summer. From there, I make it over to the gym to be the first one there so that all of the equipment is open and ready to use. I may spend an hour in there, or maybe I will spend three. Whatever the case, I am home by 9 am. Many would be ready to hit the sheets again, and sleep for another few hours, but what good does that do? None, because then it is time to go to the hitting cages to get some swings in – after all, practice makes perfect. The time I spend at the cages could range from two hours to four hours, so by this time it is the afternoon. On some days, I go to the ice rink and work on my skills there. Others, I take some time to rest my body. Nonetheless, it is not easy, but it is how I love to spend my summer. Sometimes dedication is overlooked. A lot of times, no one knows what I do and when I put in work. Sure, they may see that I have gotten better, but they do not know the blood, sweat, and tears that I have put into it all. Better yet, people overlook my academic abilities. While school comes easy to some, being in two sports makes it tough to have time for schoolwork.I try to not let it stop me, though. If I ever find myself slacking off in a class, I make sure to do everything in my power to bring up my grade, whether it be studying until 1 am, or going into school early to seek help prior to a test.Currently, I am working on achieving a GPA of 3.7, and will not stop working until I do. Thomas Edison once said, (â€Å"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.†) Be it school work, or work on myself for sports, the word genius is replaceable. This quote brings me back a ways, as I first heard it from my uncle. When I first heard this quote, it struck me profoundly like a plunge in an icy lake. My uncle is a very hardworking man, and has been all his life. He is no superstar, and to some people merely an average man, but to me he is much more. My uncle has not missed a day of work in 7 years. He goes in every day and gives it his best shot, even when he may not be right. He is a successful man, a family man, and I’m proud to call him my uncle. When I asked him how he was able to be such a success, for I used to think money was the definition of success, he answered me this, â€Å"It is not always about what you know now. It is not always about what you can do now. It is about working so hard that you become the best at those t hings you never once could do, or know those things you didn’t know like the back of your hand.† That, like the quote from Edison he later told me, has stayed with me all my life.Dedication is pushing through when you want so badly to give up.When running the marathon, at one point the only thing I had on my mind was giving up.It seemed to be just a matter of when I was going to give up, but I pushed through and finished the race. Dedication is not simply committing to it until you get where your goal is. Rather, it is realizing you hit that goal, only to set the next goal, and keep working for that. To some people, dedication is waking up in the morning and being on time to work. To me, dedication is putting everything I have into myself. Be it school, work, or sports, I make sure to wake up every day knowing I am better today than I was yesterday. Dedication is believing in yourself every single day, and waking up better than the last day. That is dedication. Works Cited â€Å"Dedication.† Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 9 Nov. 2017. â€Å"Quotes about Dedication.† GoodReads. What Dedication Is to Me free essay sample Pondering the meaning of any word can be a struggle, as everyone has their own views of what the word really means; it is all perception. Dedication is one of the words that has many different meanings. To some, dedication is waking up every day and getting to work on time. Now, one may think that is a simple task. But maybe that person was the kind of guy who could never hold a job because he forgot to show up to work. Being on time may be his dedication. To me, dedication is much more. The word dedication and persistence go hand in hand. When I wake up every day, hungry to be the best I can, that is not enough. Dedication to me is the countless hours of work I put into myself, because when hockey and baseball season come around every year, I am always ready to be better than I was last time. We will write a custom essay sample on What Dedication Is to Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dedication is a part of who I am, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. The dictionary definition, â€Å"the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose,† serves me no good (Webster.) By the dictionary definition, someone who commits to anything is dedicated. Maybe this is true, but dedication to me is committing to the betterment of myself. Simply put, dedication is not easy. To me, it is waking up at 4:30 am early every day in the summer. From there, I make it over to the gym to be the first one there so that all of the equipment is open and ready to use. I may spend an hour in there, or maybe I will spend three. Whatever the case, I am home by 9 am. Many would be ready to hit the sheets again, and sleep for another few hours, but what good does that do? None, because then it is time to go to the hitting cages to get some swings in – after all, practice makes perfect. The time I spend at the cages could range from two hours to four hours, so by this time it is the afternoon. On some days, I go to the ice rink and work on my skills there. Others, I take some time to rest my body. Nonetheless, it is not easy, but it is how I love to spend my summer. Sometimes dedication is overlooked. A lot of times, no one knows what I do and when I put in work. Sure, they may see that I have gotten better, but they do not know the blood, sweat, and tears that I have put into it all. Better yet, people overlook my academic abilities. While school comes easy to some, being in two sports makes it tough to have time for schoolwork.I try to not let it stop me, though. If I ever find myself slacking off in a class, I make sure to do everything in my power to bring up my grade, whether it be studying until 1 am, or going into school early to seek help prior to a test.Currently, I am working on achieving a GPA of 3.7, and will not stop working until I do. Thomas Edison once said, (â€Å"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.†) Be it school work, or work on myself for sports, the word genius is replaceable. This quote brings me back a ways, as I first heard it from my uncle. When I first heard this quote, it struck me profoundly like a plunge in an icy lake. My uncle is a very hardworking man, and has been all his life. He is no superstar, and to some people merely an average man, but to me he is much more. My uncle has not missed a day of work in 7 years. He goes in every day and gives it his best shot, even when he may not be right. He is a successful man, a family man, and I’m proud to call him my uncle. When I asked him how he was able to be such a success, for I used to think money was the definition of success, he answered me this, â€Å"It is not always about what you know now. It is not always about what you can do now. It is about working so hard that you become the best at those t hings you never once could do, or know those things you didn’t know like the back of your hand.† That, like the quote from Edison he later told me, has stayed with me all my life.Dedication is pushing through when you want so badly to give up.When running the marathon, at one point the only thing I had on my mind was giving up.It seemed to be just a matter of when I was going to give up, but I pushed through and finished the race. Dedication is not simply committing to it until you get where your goal is. Rather, it is realizing you hit that goal, only to set the next goal, and keep working for that. To some people, dedication is waking up in the morning and being on time to work. To me, dedication is putting everything I have into myself. Be it school, work, or sports, I make sure to wake up every day knowing I am better today than I was yesterday. Dedication is believing in yourself every single day, and waking up better than the last day. That is dedication. Works Cited â€Å"Dedication.† Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 9 Nov. 2017. â€Å"Quotes about Dedication.† GoodReads.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Student Athletes Essays - Student Athlete, Free Essays, Term Papers

Student Athletes Essays - Student Athlete, Free Essays, Term Papers Student Athletes Athletes Should Get Paid As you sit at the stadium or in your home and watch college football, basketball, or even baseball, do you ever wonder where the money goes from all the ticket sales? Colleges make a lot of money from their athletics. I feel that the profit that is made should partly go back to the student athlete. College athletes should be paid for their participation in sports, since sports make a lot of money for the college. A student athlete's schedule is very hectic. There are many activities that have to be attended daily. A student athlete is expected to go to class every day, and later in, the day they are expected to meet at practice, no matter what the sport. After practice, the student athlete must eat dinner. Then, the person has to go home to their dorm to do homework, which can last for hours. There is very little time during the day, to allow the student athlete to get a job. Most of the time coaches will not allow the students to work, due to schedule conflict, and it is also hard on the student's studies. If the coach doesn't allow a job and there is no time for one, where does the student get money? Student finances are very limited. Most of the money that students have is from parents or student loans. Students need money for food, gas and laundry. If a student eats three meals a day, it would usually cost then about fifteen dollars. For a five-day week it would be around seventy-five dollars. Usually, the student athletes do not travel much, so gas expenses would be minimal. However there are those occasional trips home to see family. The student also needs money for laundry. Laundry runs around five or six dollars per week. Years ago, student athletes at colleges and universities were given laundry money, which was twenty-five to thirty dollars a week. The money could be spent freely. It was like an allowance that your parents would give you every week. I feel that this little support would at least help the student when money is hard to come by at home. With the financial help of the college, a student athlete would only have to supply around fifty dollars per week instead o f seventy- or eighty-five A student would have less financial troubles if they were compensated for athletics. If athletes were paid, they could have a better start out of college. For instance, if the student athlete has to get a loan during college because he or she has no money for necessities, that student athlete has started to dig a financial hole. That hole will be a burden to the student athlete when her or she graduates from college. Also, the student athlete's parents will not be financially troubled when the student graduates from college. It would make it easier on student athletes and their parents mentally and physically if student athletes were paid. Mentally, the parents would not have to worry about paying the bills when tuition is due. Physically, the parents and students would not have to break their back to work overtime, or to have a job while in school, and play athletics as well. I feel that student athletes have a lot to worry about. One is their grades; two is their performance in games. I feel the last thing a student athlete should worry about is how they are going to make money to pay for necessities, since the student plays a sport that makes money for the college. Student athletes should be compensated for their participation in athletics while attending college.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blind Date Script Essay Example for Free

Blind Date Script Essay Essay Topic: Literature , Thomas Hardy Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA â€Å"Far From The Madding Crowd† Blind Date Script. Graham: It’s Blind Date! And here is your host, Miss Cilla Black! Cilla: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Blind Date. In a moment we’ll be meeting the lucky lady who gets to pick from one of these gorgeous guys! So, let’s meet the boys! So, hello number 1; what’s your name and where do you come from? Bo: Good Evening, Cilla. My name is William Boldwood, and I am from Weatherbury. C: Nice to meet you, William. So tell everyone a bit about yourself. Bo: Well, Cilla, I am a 42 year old bachelor, I own a large farm, and†¦. I’m incredibly wealthy! C: And, I understand, correct me if I’m wrong love, that you have had a nasty experience involving a Valentine’s card? Bo: That is correct, Cilla. I once received a Valentine’s card through in the mail, and I had no idea who the sender was. I was a little afraid, you see, it could have been anything. So, I erm, placed it on my mantelpiece. Well, then I couldn’t stop thinking of it, so I stared at it for quite some time. C: How long for, love? Bo: For a matter of days, Cilla. C: Oh dear. Well I for one am always scared when the postman comes, I mean, when them bills get posted through my door I know I’m too terrified to open them for a week! C: Alright love, well, best of luck tonight, and please don’t be scared of the date cards if you’re picked ’cause we’ve only got so long, you know. Okay, number two, what’s your name and where do you come from? T: Hello, Cilla, my love, my name’s Frank Troy and I’m from Weatherbury too! C: Hiya Frank. Tell us all a bit about yourself, love. T: Well, I’m 31, I’m a Sergeant in the Army, so I travel a lot, and I enjoy sword fighting, so I spend a lot of my spare time practising that, and, I’m quite skilled if I may say so myself. C: Oh really? Come on, then. Show us some moves! (Troy shows off with sword techniques). C: Wow, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that lot! Eh, thanks very much love, well done. Best of luck tonight, but if you win, leave the sword at home, won’t you? Hello number three, what’s your name and where do you come from? O: Eh Cilla, me name’s Gabriel Oak an I be from Weatherbury as well. C: Hiya, chuck, why don’t you tell everyone a bit about yourself? O: Well, I’m 28 an I work on a farm in Weatherbury, Cilla. C: And I heard that you used to own your own farm, is that right? O: Ay, that be correct, Cilla, I used to ave some lovely little sheepies, but, sadly, most of em died in a tragic accident. C: Awwwwww†¦ (Sympathy) O: Yer, so maybe, even though I don’t ave a lot, she’ll still be willing to ave me. Then I’ll know she be genuine an all that. An it could get me a few sympathy votes as well, But I wont let on until after the show, just in case. C: A man with a plan! Well, you probably wont even need to use the sheep story Gabriel, I’m sure you’ll be fine. And may the best fella win. Good luck to all of you. Now, guys and girls, lets meet the lucky lady who gets her pick of one of these gorgeous guys! (Bathsheba enters) C: Hello love, and you are Bathsheba, is that right? B: Yes Cilla, that’s right. C: And where are you from, Bathsheba love? B: I’m from Weatherbury Cilla. C: Oh I didn’t see that one coming. Now, what sort of thing are you looking for, and hoping to find tonight in one of our top-class bachelors? B: Well, I’m looking for someone who will flatter me but also stand up to me. I’m very independent. C: Oh, that’s right, you own a farm, dont you? B: I do indeed, Cilla. C: Well, let’s hope those three blokes over there stand up to you more than your farm animals do. And lets hope they smell better an all. B: well I won’t know until the date, but lets hope so. C: Alright love. Let’s get on with your three questions then. Fire away! B: Hello boys! ALL: Hello Bathsheba! B: Okay, my first question is; If I was an animal, I would be a tiger, because I could definitely use a little taming. If you were an animal, what would you be, and why? That goes to number 1, please. Bo: Well, Bathsheba, I would be a snake, a boa constrictor, so I would be able to wrap myself around you, and squeeze you as tight as I can. B: And to number 2, please. T: Well, I would be a fox, most obviously because of my red coat, but also because I hunt my prey and always get what I want. B: And, lastly, to number 3, please. O: Well, I would probably be a sheep, because, apart from being cute n cuddly, I would follow you round as a sheep does and always be with you. B: Okay, 2nd question. If I were a type of food, I would be a curry, because I am hot and spicy! What food would you be, and why? That is to number 2, please. T: Well, I would be Egg and Soldiers, so you could have a dip in me anytime! B: And to number 3, please. O: Okay, if I was a food, I would be Shepherd’s Pie, because I be a shepherd, and I be warm, tasty and simple. So, heat me up, and it’ll be dinner for two. B: And lastly, to number 1, please. Bo: If I was a sort of food, I would most certainly be Toad in the hole, because once you dig down to my deep centre and kiss the toad, I would be your handsome prince. B: And my last question is; I am a woman who likes to be pampered and showered with gifts. If you could give me one thing, what would it be and why? To number 3, please. O: Well, I don’t ave a lot, you see, but I would give you my heart of gold, because that be all I wantin in return. B: And to number 1, please. Bo: I would give you anything you want, anything your heart desires. And the greatest gift any woman could wish for – ME! B: And last but not least, to number 2, please. T: I would give you the sheath to my prized possession, my sword, because then I would be allowed to put my things inside yours. C: Oh well, Bathsheba, that’s all your questions. But don’t make your mind up yet, here’s a bit of help from Our Graham! G: So Bathsheba, will it be Toady number 1, who will give you himself and squeeze you tightly, just don’t send him any mail! Or, will it be foxy number 2, who likes nothing better than putting on his Soldier coat and doing sword tricks – just keep the toast away from his yolk. Or, will you decide on warm and simple number 3, and if on your date his sheepy antics get on your nerves, you could always sell that gold heart he gave you. THE DECISION – IS YOURS! C: So who will it be love – 1, 2 or 3? B: I’m going to have to go with number 3, Cilla. C: Oh, but what about the two you turned down? (introduces Troy, then Boldwood – they leave) C: So here is your Blind Date, you picked number one, that was Gabriel Oak from Weatherbury – come in Gabriel! (Gabriel and Bathsheba meet) C: Alright, are you pleased? (Both nod). Okay then, let’s pick a date! Which one will be picking? O: I’ll let the lovely lady here pick. (Bathsheba picks) B: A sightseeing trip to London! (Hands envelope to Cilla) C: It says here that the two of you will be seeing all the sights of the Famous London! Have either of you been there before? (both say no). Good. Then after that, you’ll be shopping ’til you drop and then staying in a luxury hotel! It says here let’s hope that the two of you aren’t calling each other pigs by the end of the week! Okay, let’s have a round of applause for Bathsheba and Gabriel! Blind Date Script. (2017, Oct 01). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Madison and Brutus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Madison and Brutus - Essay Example On that aspect, this discussion will cover the different ways in which the ideologies of Madison in the federal papers helped shape America in its historical development and the influence it had on American politics. In addition, the essay analyzes the significance of basic rights of the citizens and how it helps in advancing the interests of the country as proposed by Brutus in the anti-federal papers. Similarly, the controlling of factions with intentions of exploiting the interests of the economy as articulated by Madison is also of interests in this discussion. There are different ways in which Madison and Brutus can assess groups in the context of the historical development and impact on American Politics. For instance, according to Madison in Federalist No. 10 he believed that certain factions or interests groups should not be allowed to take over the affairs of country at the expense of ordinary citizens or the entire community (Madison and et al 93). According to Madison, a f action is composed of a number of citizens who can include majority or minority and are joined by a common interest that is likely to endanger the welfare of the community. In addition, Madison’s Federalist No. ... 10 that the governance by the majority faction in a republic is a violation of the American Constitution and mockery of the American revolution in that it does cater for the interests of the citizens but that of its own. In addition, the Federal paper No. 51 further calls for transparency and accountability among leaders in the emerging American republic to shield common citizens from exploitation of the power elite (Madison 103). On that aspect, Madison was against the creation of individual states as this would interfere with the principles of constitution of making American republic. Alternatively, Madison had a number of suggestions on how to overcome the challenges of factions especially in the defense of vulnerable citizens. For instance, he suggested that eliminating the causes of factions and the control of its effects was the first strategy of alleviating its negative effects. On that perspective, he also came up with two strategies of eradicating the causes of factions for the benefit of the American interests (Madison and et al 72). These included taking away the liberty of citizens something Anti-Federalists such as Brutus felt against. Another measure was to grant every American citizen a chance to speak his opinions, passions and express his interests. Therefore, this would prevent factions from taking advantage of ordinary citizens and thus transform the perception of American politics. On the other hand, when it comes to Anti-Federalist No. 3 that was championed by Brutus and others, they had opposing perspectives with the Federalists. For example, Brutus Anti-Federalist papers were against the denying of citizens liberty in order to contain the factions as suggested by Madison in his Federalist papers No. 10 and 50. On that account, Brutus was of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Munk Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Munk Debate - Essay Example The only city that has such population in Europe is London. There are only eleven European Union countries with a population of below six million. The country is forty times the geographical size of Canada fox. If the country were to be divided like Europe, it would have about ninety nation states. China’s population has many advantages that will contribute to its economic and political power in the 21st century. The country has approximately 1.2 billion people with the size being proportional to its economy. The country’s large population contributed to its poor economy in the past decades because the largest percentage consisted of young individuals who were dependants. However, a large percentage of the population currently consists of the mature working population. This has contributed to the present economic explosion. The current population structure has resulted into the high human capital in China (Munk debates). The 21st century will belong to China because its economy is increasing at an advanced tempo compared to other countries globally. For instance, in the past thirty years, its economy has risen by a factual value of about 10. The current report of the IMF shows that China will be largest financial system in the coming years. Its economy has already surpassed the US because it is the largest manufacturer especially in the car market. Global financial reports also show that the demand for its cars will increase by tenfold in future. By 2035, the country will be using a fifth of the global energy. The global market analysts assert that only a country with the largest industrial production can lead the world. China is currently the largest industrial producer based on its large population. It goods are on demand because it supplies its products to the developing countries at cheap prices. The countries also supply skilled and cheap labor that is also on high demand in many foreign countries. This has enabled china to compete more effec tively in the market compared to its rivals. The developed countries focus on selling their goods and attracting investors from other developing countries. China targets the developing world like the African countries leading to the expansion of its market especially the automobile (Munk debates). In the past, China relied on investors, but it is currently one of the major investors today because of its 3 trillion dollars global reserves and other assets worth 200 billion dollars. China’s economy is also expanding because of innovations and high quality education. For instance, the students at Shanghai topped in Mathematics with a score of 600, while the students in the US became 25th with a score of 487 when education achievements of students of the age of 15 were ranked last year (Munk debates). Furthermore, there are high chances that China will rule because the economy of the West is declining at a high rate because of economic crisis that resulted from excessive gambling . Additionally, the US will be spending more on debts than on defense. The West is also losing its political powers because of political crises that are exemplified by the game of Russian roulette over the US federal. The business taxes in China are very low, and this has attracted many investors. The US is among the countries with the most raised business tax rates. Additionally, th

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The detective genre Essay Example for Free

The detective genre Essay During the era of Queen Victoria, when flickering gas lamps lit the squalid streets casting an eerie shadow, a soon to be well known compilation of stories belonging to Detective genre were being published. They were the first of their kind, and were created by Arthur Conan Doyle. His stories became so well known, that soon after writing his stories, Arthur Conan Doyle was knighted by Queen Victoria herself. Doyles stories called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, became legendary, as Doyle had created an original fictional pipe-smoking character, called Sherlock Holmes, whose job, it was to solve crimes. This was ironic at the time, due to the simple fact, an infamous murderer, Jack the Ripper, was loose on the streets of London, attacking women. He knifed and ruthlessly murdered many prostitutes. Unfortunately, the police could not catch him and their methods were seen as inefficient. Conversely, when Sherlock Holmes, surfaced in 1887 many of the Victorians fell for the fictional character, as he became the perfect detective, by cracking every case bought to him. Many believe that Sherlock Holmes was the answer to their problems as many Victorians held a deep resentment towards the police, as they did not appear to be protecting the public. The time in which Doyle published his creations was very important to his great success, as the nation was developing and many more people were soon become wealthier. Furthermore, the introduction of compulsory schooling in the 1870 meant that many people soon became literate which meant even more Victorians had a great chance to read Doyles work. Also, as for the developing middle class, they had much more leisure time and more time to read, at free libraries as they were being established in many towns and cities in Britain. This offered more reading material to entertain the Victorians. These factors help Doyles success, and so did the use of forensic science. As forensic science was only just developing, Sherlock Holmes was the first fictional detective to use methods of finger printing. This he uses on many occasions, but in The Beryl Coronet one of Doyles most famous stories, he visits the crime scene and collects a set of fingerprints off the window seal. This is ironic because the police officers, which have already investigated the crime, do not collect a set of fingerprints. Due to their lack of expertise, the police arrests Arthur Holder, ironically, their judgement is flow, and with the help of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Holder is found to be innocent. Sherlock Holmes reassures the readers those crimes, can be solved and justice will be done. In effect this builds up the publics confidence in him. The Sherlock Holmes compilations are engaging to their audience as most of the stories include the main features necessary for detective fiction, which are: victims, suspects, villains, clues, red herrings and a detective. The detective has the most important role in the whole story, as it is him, who has to engage the readers to stay focused in the story line. In order for this to work the writer has to add mystery, confidence and intelligence to his character. Doyle in his creation of Sherlock Holmes uses his own medical knowledge and background to create such an extraordinary character like Holmes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Essays -- Biography Biographies Poet Poe Essays

Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is one American author whose name is known to almost everyone. Edgar is known for his elegant poems and for being a tough critic of refined tastes, but also for being the first master of the short story form, especially tales of mystery. He has a talent of having an extraordinary hold upon the readers imagination and not letting lose. Many advents of Edgar’s life has probably led to the strange, but successful and renowned pieces of American literature. On January 19th 1809, Eliza Arnold Poe gave birth to her second child, Edgar Poe, in Boston, Massachusetts. Eliza was a very talented actress who was very devoted to her acting. She had made her debut at the age of nine and was much praised for her talent and maturity, as well as her beauty and charm. David Poe who had begun acting after meeting Eliza was ridiculed by the press for his acting unlike his wife. David, ashamed of his unsuccessfulness and shadowed by his more famous wife, left her and their now three kids. Eliza, unable to support her three children alone, became a charity case. In October of 1811 she gave up acting when she became seriously ill. On December 8th, 1811, at age 24 Eliza Poe died leaving her three children without homes. Frances Allan, one woman who had been part of the charity helping Eliza, had convinced her husband John Allan to let them take little Edgar in, but they never formally adopted him. John had promised David Poe’s relatives that Edgar would receive a proper and good education. John sent Edgar at the age of five to a teacher named Clotilda Fisher and then after that to William Ewing, the Richmond School master. Mr. Ewing noted that Edgar was quite charming and enjoyed school. The Allans decided to move their tobacco trading company to London where the tobacco industry had been in a depression. Edgar receive his first formal education in London. He was at first sent to board with Mrs. Doubourg, which was only 3 miles from where the Allans lived. Later he was sent to board with reverend John Bransby, at Stoke Newington where he studied among the obvious, Latin and dance. John who was very preoccupied with his business, neglected Edgar and Mrs Allan, didn’t help his feeling of neglect any better due to her frequently getting ill. The tobacco industry collapsed after only three years of their stay, and the... ...engagement was broken off. Edgar returned to Richmond in 1989 hoping to find financial support for his own journal, but was unsuccessful. He, however, reunited with Elmira, his first love, who had been widowed, and they re-engaged. Edgar, then, sailed from Richmond to Baltimore in Oct. 1849. A short time later, Edgar Allan Poe was found outside a polling place, in a state of delirium. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and died several days later on October 7th, 1849, at the age of forty. Edgar Allan Poe led a strange and unusually hard life, but through his experiences he produced many outstanding and wonderful works which have with out a doubt contributed to American Literature in several different areas. His stories are treasured by an immense readership. Although, Poe was quiet popular for his gothic tales, he was also well known for being and accomplished humorist, which is seen in many of his short stories. Poe was credited for singlehandedly inventing the detective story. No other played a more crucial role in shaping and developing the aesthetic theory, in the nineteenth-century, than Edgar Allan Poe. Thus, Poe remains a permanent fixture of our literary culture. Edgar Allan Poe Essays -- Biography Biographies Poet Poe Essays Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is one American author whose name is known to almost everyone. Edgar is known for his elegant poems and for being a tough critic of refined tastes, but also for being the first master of the short story form, especially tales of mystery. He has a talent of having an extraordinary hold upon the readers imagination and not letting lose. Many advents of Edgar’s life has probably led to the strange, but successful and renowned pieces of American literature. On January 19th 1809, Eliza Arnold Poe gave birth to her second child, Edgar Poe, in Boston, Massachusetts. Eliza was a very talented actress who was very devoted to her acting. She had made her debut at the age of nine and was much praised for her talent and maturity, as well as her beauty and charm. David Poe who had begun acting after meeting Eliza was ridiculed by the press for his acting unlike his wife. David, ashamed of his unsuccessfulness and shadowed by his more famous wife, left her and their now three kids. Eliza, unable to support her three children alone, became a charity case. In October of 1811 she gave up acting when she became seriously ill. On December 8th, 1811, at age 24 Eliza Poe died leaving her three children without homes. Frances Allan, one woman who had been part of the charity helping Eliza, had convinced her husband John Allan to let them take little Edgar in, but they never formally adopted him. John had promised David Poe’s relatives that Edgar would receive a proper and good education. John sent Edgar at the age of five to a teacher named Clotilda Fisher and then after that to William Ewing, the Richmond School master. Mr. Ewing noted that Edgar was quite charming and enjoyed school. The Allans decided to move their tobacco trading company to London where the tobacco industry had been in a depression. Edgar receive his first formal education in London. He was at first sent to board with Mrs. Doubourg, which was only 3 miles from where the Allans lived. Later he was sent to board with reverend John Bransby, at Stoke Newington where he studied among the obvious, Latin and dance. John who was very preoccupied with his business, neglected Edgar and Mrs Allan, didn’t help his feeling of neglect any better due to her frequently getting ill. The tobacco industry collapsed after only three years of their stay, and the... ...engagement was broken off. Edgar returned to Richmond in 1989 hoping to find financial support for his own journal, but was unsuccessful. He, however, reunited with Elmira, his first love, who had been widowed, and they re-engaged. Edgar, then, sailed from Richmond to Baltimore in Oct. 1849. A short time later, Edgar Allan Poe was found outside a polling place, in a state of delirium. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and died several days later on October 7th, 1849, at the age of forty. Edgar Allan Poe led a strange and unusually hard life, but through his experiences he produced many outstanding and wonderful works which have with out a doubt contributed to American Literature in several different areas. His stories are treasured by an immense readership. Although, Poe was quiet popular for his gothic tales, he was also well known for being and accomplished humorist, which is seen in many of his short stories. Poe was credited for singlehandedly inventing the detective story. No other played a more crucial role in shaping and developing the aesthetic theory, in the nineteenth-century, than Edgar Allan Poe. Thus, Poe remains a permanent fixture of our literary culture.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Protecting the Environment Essay

Every company should invest in our environment. We live in a time when the environment is in danger, so it is important to protect it. We need a healthy environment in order to survive, so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children. Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. It makes the air dirty. Breathing this dirty air causes health problems, particularly for children and the elderly. Pollution not only increases spending on health care, but also decreases working ability. We need to control the amounts of pollution we produce in order to prevent health problems. We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Plant life, animal life, and people all depend on each other. An unhealthy environment disturbs this ecosystem. For example, changes in the environments might cause a certain kind of plant to die. If that plant is food for a certain kind of animal, the animal will die too. If people use that animal as food source, there could be big problem. To avoid the big problems, factories should pollute as little as possible and use natural resources rationally. If we do not protect our environment it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences. The air and water will be dirtier, natural resources will become scarcer, and more plants and animals will die. Our children won’t have as much natural beauty to admire. Even worse, their well-being will be threatened. Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race will not survive. That is why protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment not only the company is going to make a profit but also workers, customers and community.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Creating a World Beyond Reality Essay

In Azar Nafisi’s â€Å"Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran†, Nafisi and her students, rather than denying the reality that they live in, created a world alternate from their reality. In their physical world the government has stripped them of their individualism. They were unable to act or do as individuals would, thus they went to the book club as a way to escape reality. It gave them insight into a world they could not experience. Literature becomes their color in their bleak world of black and white restrictions. They came to the realization, through their readings, that they had given their government the power to take away from them their individuality. They created a fictional world to let them be individuals and escape the restrictions that their physical environment placed upon them. With this fictional world, they rebelled against their government and used it as a way to escape their harsh reality. Possessing their fictional world allowed them to remain unique individuals. Fiction can express truth as effectively as reality. The way someone views reality can be their own fiction. Nafisi and her students did not use fiction as a way to deny their reality but instead it opened up a window of many minds other than their own. They learn from fiction just as much if not more than they do with reality. Fiction brought them realities they never would have been able to be aware of in their physical world â€Å"She fashions her universe not through physical force, as does the king, but through imagination and reflection† (Nafisi 259). They learn through fiction that they have one thing that the Revolution did not and could not take away from them, their imagination They learn that with their imagination it makes them each their own unique person. Fiction helped them realize more about themselves and more about reality. Their situation is similar to the character of that book, although they cannot do anything to chance their lives through force, they have their imagination and that itself is enough to make a differences for themselves. Furthermore, Nafisi and her students enabled themselves to experience new worlds by exposing themselves to different realities from the books they read. Instead of denying they are now aware of other worlds beyond their own. â€Å"do not, under any circumstances, belittle a work of fiction by trying to turn it into a carbon copy of real life: what we search for in fiction is not so much reality but the epiphany of truth† (Nafisi 248). They did not try to hide reality with their created world, only to better their state of mind by allowing themselves the freedom to think as individuals. Nafisi did not want the purpose of this book club to make her students try to live the realities of the books, she wanted to make them aware of realities that they are unable to experience physically. Their government has suppressed them and they are not allowed any individuality so the purpose of the book club enabled them â€Å"to experience how the ordinary pebble of ordinary life could be transformed into a jewel through the magic eye of fiction. † (Nafisi 252). The only way they can get away from their dull lives is through this book club. By reading, it brightens their lives in way they could never be able to do on their own. Their fictional creation allows them to be individuals and escape restrictions that their physical environment has on them. In the book club, Nafisi and her students are given â€Å"the possibility of a boundless freedom when all options are taken away† (Nafisi 262). They find a way to be stay their real unique selves through their learning. â€Å"Reality has become so intolerable, she said, so bleak, that all I can paint now are the colors of my dreams† (Nafisi 253). The book club is the only way they can get a break from their reality. It helps the girls keep their distinct selves. Dreams are something the government cannot take away from someone, just like their created world they still have something personal left of them. â€Å"acts of writing are his means of escape. He is a hero because he refuses to become like all the rest. † (Nafisi 262). Their fictional world is some place for the girls to flee to. Reading the writing helps them see things from a different perspective they are unable to encounter, the story they create is their fantasy and thats what keeps them individuals. The Revolution is trying to mold them into people they want them to be, while they are creating themselves. The government is trying to control their reality and their fiction. Nafisi and her students are rebelling against their government not only by attending this book club but with the creation of their fictional world. Their fictional world opens up their minds and empowers them to exercise their right to be able to think how they wish to. That is something the government tried but could not take away from them. Nafisi and her students are not denying their reality by creating this world of theirs, they have accepted it in order to build a barrier around themselves from that reality. â€Å"An absurd fictionality ruled our lives. We tried to live in the open spaces, in the chinks created between that room, which had become our protective cocoon and the censor’s world of witches and goblins outside† (Nafisi 264). The veil they are forced to wear, is a symbol of fictionality because the Revolution is forcing everyone to pretend to be someone who they are not. The book club is a safe haven for their individuality. It protects their different characteristics from the government. With their fictional world, they are going against the government and not letting their authorities oppress them. â€Å"These girls, my girls, had both a real history and a fabricated one† (Nafisi 265). Keeping both worlds is an act of rebellion against government who tried to make them conform to the real standards of their society. â€Å"Is she aware, Sanaz, of her own power? Does she realize how dangerous she can be when her every stray gesture is a disturbance to public safety? † (Nafisi 265). They are the only ones who have control over how and what they think. By creating this fictional world they are making changes against the government. â€Å"where we simultaneously invented ourselves and were figments of someone else’s imagination† (Nafisi 263). Nafisi and her students are living through the stories they read, like being the characters that they created, it makes them stronger, inspires them. Fiction has become a coping mechanism for them, giving them stronger will to deal with reality. â€Å"to experience how the ordinary pebble of ordinary life could be transformed into a jewel through the magic eye of fiction. †(Nafisi 252). They are able to view things with different eyes, in the books they read there is a much more optimistic view than their reality. Seeing things through someone else’s perspective lightens the burden of their reality. They can escape real life momentarily and see things from an unrestricted point of view. Their created world is something that gives them strength to carry on with their daily lives. Denying reality does not help, therefore when they create the fictional world of theirs they realize that the government is trying to take away from who they are. In reality they are the ones who have power over their own minds if not anything else. â€Å" imagine us the way we sometimes didn’t dare to imagine ourselves in our most private and secret moments, in the most extraordinarily ordinary instances of life, listening to music†¦ or reading Lolita in Tehran. † (Nafisi 250). In their real world they always have to be careful of letting themselves show their true selves, but with fiction they are not afraid to be themselves. In fiction, they compare their own situations with the characters in the books they read. Those books teach them things such as totalitarianism to being happy a goal. â€Å"the most central of which was how these great works of imagination could help us in our present trapped situation as women. We were not looking for blueprints†¦we did hope to find a link between the open spaces the novels provided and the closed ones we were confined to† (Nafisi 259). These novels become the girls source of freedom. With these books they are allowed to freely interpret and believe whatever they with in contrast to their reality where they are not allowed to have their own opinions. With their imagination they are not denying themselves, but rather filling in the spaces that they are missing. They cannot experience many things in real life so to fill the void, they do so with fiction. By finding a link between fiction and reality they found a way to keep their individualism. And accepting and creating, fiction allows for them to have a stronger will in order to keep who they are even in the world they are in. â€Å"Perhaps one way of finding out the truth was to do what we did: to try to imaginatively articulate these two worlds and, through that process, give shape to our vision and identity† (Nafisi 264). They are not denying reality, rather it helps them to accept it, they use this world to get through reality, their world reality or imagination motivates them to continue having a strong will and continue moving forward. Not only does it give them the strength to carry on but it keeps their identities in their minds by accepting and personalizing their fantasies motivating them to be individuals. In conclusion, Nafisi and her students have found a way to escape their restrictions and can let themselves be who they want to be through fiction. With the use of literature, Nafisi and her students are trying to reshape and create their own reality. Although their freedoms are temporary, Nafisi’s home is safe from the censor the Revolution put on them that limits their thoughts and actions. They now have power over their minds, something they must rebel against the government to be able to keep for themselves. To be able to keep that power over their minds they are keeping their individualism. Because the girls comply with the government and also participate in the book club, they are not denying reality instead they are learning ways to accept and cope with it. Through fiction Nafisi and her students learned more about themselves and the powers of imagination.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Great Barrier Reef - Worlds Largest Reef System

The Great Barrier Reef - Worlds Largest Reef System Australias Great Barrier Reef is considered to be the worlds largest reef system. It is made up of over 2,900 individual reefs, 900 islands and covers an area of 133,000 square miles (344,400 sq km). It is also one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is the worlds biggest structure made out of living species. The Great Barrier Reef is also unique in that it is the only living organism that can be seen from space. Geography of the Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is located in the Coral Sea. It is off the northeast coast of Australias state of Queensland. The reef itself stretches over 1,600 miles (2,600 km) and most of it is between 9 and 93 miles (15 and 150 km) from shore. In places the reef is up to 40 miles (65 km) wide. The reef also includes Murray Island. Geographically, the Great Barrier Reef stretches from Torres Strait in the north to the area between Lady Elliot and Fraser Islands in the south. Much of the Great Barrier Reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. It covers over 1,800 miles (3,000 km) of the reef and runs along Queenslands coast near the town of Bundaberg. Geology of the Great Barrier Reef The geologic formation of the Great Barrier Reef is long and complex. Coral reefs began forming in the region about between 58 and 48 million years ago when the Coral Sea Basin formed. However, once the Australian continent moved to its present location, sea levels began to change and coral reefs started to grow quickly, but changing climate and sea levels after that caused them to grow and decline in cycles. This is because coral reefs need certain sea temperatures and levels of sunlight to grow. Today, scientists believe that complete coral reef structures where todays Great Barrier Reef is were formed 600,000 years ago. This reef died off however due to climate change and changing sea levels. Todays reef began to form about 20,000 years ago when it started growth on the remains of the older reef. This due to the fact that the Last Glacial Maximum ended around this time and during glaciation sea level was much lower than it is today. Following the end of the last glaciation about 20,000 years ago, sea level continued to rise and as it got higher, the coral reefs grew on the hills being flooded on the coastal plain. 13,000 years ago sea level was almost where it is today and the reefs began to grow around off the coast of Australia islands. As these islands became further submerged with rising sea levels, the coral reefs grew over them to form the reef system present today. The current Great Barrier Reef structure is about 6,000 to 8,000 years old. Biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef Today the Great Barrier Reef is considered a World Heritage Site due to its unique size, structure and high levels of biodiversity. Many of the species living in the reef are endangered and some are endemic only to that reef system. The Great Barrier Reef has 30 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises. In addition, six species of endangered sea turtles breed in the reef and two green sea turtle species have genetically distinct populations in the north and south of the reef. The turtles are attracted to the area due to the 15 species of sea grass that grow in the reef. Within the Great Barrier Reef itself, there are also a number of microscopic organisms, different mollusks and fish that inhabit spaces inside the coral. 5,000 species of mollusk are on the reef as are nine species of seahorses and 1,500 species of fish, including the clownfish. The reef is composed of 400 species of coral. The areas closer to land and on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef are biodiverse as well. These places are home to 215 bird species (some of which are seabirds and some of which are shorebirds). The islands within the Great Barrier Reef are also home to over 2,000 types of plants. Although the Great Barrier Reef is home to many charismatic species like those previously mentioned, it should also be noted that a variety of very dangerous species inhabit the reef or areas near it as well. For example, saltwater crocodiles live in the mangrove swamps and salt marshes near the reef and a variety of sharks and stingrays live within the reef. In addition, 17 species of sea snake (most of which are venomous) live on the reef and jellyfish, including the deadly box jellyfish, also inhabit nearby waters. Human Uses and Environmental Threats of the Great Barrier Reef Due to its extreme biodiversity, the Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist destination and around two million people visit it per year. Scuba diving and tours via small boats and aircraft are the most popular activities on the reef. Since it is a fragile habitat, tourism of the Great Barrier Reef is highly managed and sometimes operated as ecotourism. All ships, aircraft and others that want to access the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park need to have a permit. Despite these protective measures, however, the Great Barrier Reefs health is still threatened due to climate change, pollution, fishing, and invasive species. Climate change and rising sea temperatures are considered the greatest threats to the reef because coral is a fragile species that needs water to be about 77ËšF to 84ËšF (25ËšC to 29ËšC) to survive. Recently there have been episodes of coral bleaching due to higher temperatures. To learn more about the Great Barrier Reef, visit National Geographics Great Barrier Reef interactive website and the Australian governments webpage on the Great Barrier Reef.

Monday, November 4, 2019

International Business Law Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Business Law - Research Proposal Example Some of the most common means under the present state of international business law are as follows: 1. Direct foreign sales - This is the present strategy of Hampstead, which is to sell directly to a foreign buyer (exportation). This option may not be applicable because our Company seems to have decided to set up a plant outside UK. 2. Licenses and franchises - This is typically accomplished by a licensing agreement. A license permits the licensee to exploit the subject matter of the license for a specified purpose and for a specified time. This option may not be applicable to our company the facts fails to indicate possibility. 3. Distributorships - In here, there is an agreement to market our company's products through the sales efforts of a foreign-based distributor. Under this arrangement, a distributor is free to develop the target market in any manner in which it sees fit; i.e., it is free to buy and sell for its own account, maintain inventories, and sell at prices it sets. In addition, foreign distributors sometimes receive added protection under local law. Another advantage is that a distributor may limit the supplier's (Hampstead, in this case) exposure to local tax and labor laws. The option seems to be one of our options with our plan in transporting the cars from UK to Mexico and just have a company based in Mexico to distribute our products. 4. Direct foreign investment - A domestic company may conduct international business through a subsidiary located in the foreign country. We know for a fact that a subsidiary corporation, typically, is one whose shares (typically, a majority of the voting shares, i.e., >50%) representing control of the corporation are owned by another corporation (the parent)." This option is also one that is currently considered by board. Hence, I like to point out that there is suggestion for having a wholly owned subsidiary to be controlled by our U.K. head office. Hence, this option may not allow it. However, we have the next option. 5. Branches - A branch is not a separate entity but is an extension of the domestic (e.g., U.S.) enterprise (e.g., corporation) in a host (i.e., foreign) country. It is also a practice that the enterprise might establish an operational spot in a host country, which requires direct investment in, for example, the following: 1) A research and experimental facility 2) A manufacturing plant for local sales and/or export 3) An operation that establishes a market and sales for its products and/or those of other enterprises It also mentioned the following relevant factors to operating in a host country using a branch: 1) A branch allows unqualified control as compared to operations by a subsidiary. 2) The form of a separate legal entity is not present to limit contractual or tort liability. 3) Risks of loss due to changes in host country governments are like as those associated with direct investment. This option seems to be applicable, if our Company will desire to have a 100-percent control of the decision-making. However, I have still a last option in the next. 6. A joint venture - Although a joint venture is usually thought of as a partnership, it may be engaged in by means of a corporation or other organizational form. With all due respect, may I be allowed to present to you the above options' Now if you will just allow me to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

POST WAR FILMS Wings of Desire etcc Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

POST WAR FILMS Wings of Desire etcc - Term Paper Example The movie fantasy genre is based on the build up the movie was awarded being that the characters are angels who are some of the major characters in the film. The romance genre in the movie has been brought forth by the relationship established from the angel characters in the movie. Through the comparison with other related movies, the cinematic techniques in the movie this paper will bring out the historical back ground of the movie and the aesthetic aspects that builds up from the character relations within the movie and the related movies. From the background of the prior films that have been done by Wim Wanders, a number of those have been awarded both the English and the German titles. These include such movie as the ‘Reverse angle’ and the ‘Room 666’. From such movies, Wim Wanders acquired the experience of using the German setting in his movies which he later came to transfer to the movie Wings of desire. In relation to the cinematography techniques t hat have been appealed in the movie, one can clearly relate the experience gained by Wim from the prior movies as the plat form and foundation of the experience. There are certain techniques that can be said to have been reveled in relation to the cinematography techniques. ... Another aspect that can be said to appeal to the nature of the movie is that the movie is a Franco-German movie. This is a special alliance that came in place after the Second World War, at this time, the enmity that existed between France and Germany ended. The movie basis The movie basically embodies a story between angel and mortals, the director then award the angels a characteristic that they are invisible. Ideally, the angels are comfort givers for the families in Berlin. The two angels in the movie are unseen to the humans who from their side are able to see. The angels listen to the thoughts of the people and then offer them comfort. From the movie plot there are settings which establish and breaks down the movie main plot and the sub plot. The main plot of the movie is centered on the relationship that is established from Daniel’s desire to be with the beautiful trapeze girl who he fall in love with deeply and starts allowing the considerations of turning to human so as to be with her. The romantic theme is established further in the relationship between Damiel and Marion. This is brought out by the fact that the two aspire to be with each other, the barrier between them that is the mortality of Marion and the immortality of Damiel is equally significant as it build up most parts of the movie plot. Damiel aspires to be mortal as he wishes and longs for the things that the mortals undertake in the likeness of the human sensory pleasures and the touch of a loved one. Marion on the other hand also wishes she was immortal which she clearly bring out in her Cinematography techniques One of the most significant techniques that are used in the movie is the use

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion Response - Essay Example Government machinery was deployed in both cases to ensure that the leaders’ ideologies were implemented. This took the form of mass violence, the establishment of concentration camps, and strict control of every aspect of the people’s lives as you rightly state. I have learnt from you one main difference between Hitler and Stalin that never was on my mind; the faà §ades they presented in public. I like the way you put it; Stalin’s speech and presentation in public light was positive while the actions he did or oversaw were quite the opposite, unlike Hitler who never minded what others thought of him. That said, I will like to add a point to your post in relation to the differences of the two regimes. While both regimes were oriented toward the good of the state as opposed to the individual, they were different in the sense that the Nazi movement focused on eliminating inferior races and people from the country while the Soviet regime was focused on eliminating class differences as noted by Kershaw and Moshà © (1997). In some sense, therefore, the two regimes used the same means (violence and strict controls) to meet different ends (establishing a pure Aryan state versus eliminating class

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Accounting as the Important Function of Every Business Organisation Essay

Accounting as the Important Function of Every Business Organisation (Halfords company) - Essay Example Accounting’s main or primary purpose is to identify the activities of the business organisation, recording and measuring the transactions of the business and communicating the financial information to all the interested persons like the shareholders, investors, creditors, management, employees, government etc. The financial information generated from accounting in form of financial statements helps managerial decision making and other important investment decisions. Accounting is an important function of every business organisation. Accounting has various purposes and objectives. Among the various purposes, the main purpose of accounting is to record the transaction of the business enterprise in a systematic manner and to provide information about the financial position of the business enterprise to all its stakeholders. Accounting’s main or primary purpose is to identify the activities of the business organisation, recording and measuring the transactions of the busine ss and communicating the financial information to all the interested persons like the shareholders, investors, creditors, management, employees, government etc. The financial information generated from accounting in form of financial statements helps managerial decision making and other important investment decisions.... Figure 1: Performa of a purchase account in a ledger (Source: National Institute of Open Schooling, n.d, p.125) Thus the ledger is the collection of accounts maintained by the company. The ledger provides balance of the particular account on a particular date like the amount of sales on a particular date can be found from the sales account. Apart from these main books the company can also maintain sales day book and purchase day book to record its credit sales and credit purchase respectively. 2 (b) Every business organisation usually had a number of business transactions. Similarly Halfords would also have a number of transactions during a particular accounting period. The most common transactions that the company would certainly have during an accounting period are as follows:- Cash sales: Cash sales denote selling goods and services on cash. This means that the amount of goods sold or services rendered is immediately received by the company. This transaction is recorded by debitin g the cash or bank account and crediting the sales account. Cash purchase: Cash purchase signifies purchasing goods or services on cash. In cash purchase the amount for the goods purchased or services availed has to be paid immediately. This particular transaction is recorded in the books of accounts by crediting the cash or bank account and debiting the purchase account. Credit sales: Credit sales denote that the goods or services have been sold on credit. In credit sales the amount of goods sold or services rendered are not paid immediately but after a certain period of time (which is known as credit period). This particular transaction is recorded by debiting the debtor’s account (the person to whom the goods are sold) and crediting the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay Human beings are the social animals live with others. From the moment we are born until the last moment of our life, our whole life is a process of socialization. We are living with other people in the various kind of things related. Personal chat with the neighbors, teaching someone or learning something forms others, showing the opinions to others so on. All those kind of activities are communication. So, all the human societies involve the communication and the communication takes an important place in the human societies. What is communication? The communication can be defined as a processing of transferring the information by several methods between the sender and receiver. How is the communication made and how do the people ensure the audiences have received the right massage in their communication? Lets discuss about the communication process and the right ways of communication. 2.0 Communication process The purpose of communication is getting the right message across to others clearly. The communication only can succeed when the both parties (the sender and the receiver) understand the same information as a result of the communication. So, how can we make effective communication? A Communication Process is usually used when a sender wishes to communicate formally within an organization. By using the Communication Process, the sender could be ensured that there are no miscommunications to be occurred. Figure à «Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ­Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…“.jpg In the figure 1, the sender is the encoder, the message is verbal massage or written message, the channel is one of the medium which to transmit the message, the receiver is the decoder, feedback is a response of the message, and the noise is any kind of interruption which can disturb the communication. And each of the essential elements is playing the important role in making the effective communication. Sender (encoder): A sender is the one who initiate the communication. Anyone who starts the conversation can be a sender. An effective communication is depending on the senders communication skill, level of his knowledge, attitude or how much the sender desires to affect the receiver. The person who uses the appropriate words, sentences, gestures, tone and so on might be a good communicator. The sender has to be well prepared the knowledge for the particular topic before he starts conversation. Also, the sender has to respect the person whom he communicates. Encoding: Encoding is formulating the message. That is not only translating the senders mind (ideas, thinking, information, opinion or etc) into a message but also deciding what kind of medium to use for the communication. Speaking, writing, gesturing, signaling etc can be a kind of encoding. Before, the sender choose the medium, he has to think about the receivers abilities of understanding. For example, if there are an illiterate receiver and the sender sends the written message to him, the receiver will fail to understand the message but the receiver can understand if the sender talks to him orally. The purpose of communication is the sender want to influence the receiver and get the responses. So, how the sender encode the message is the most important in the communication. Channel: A channel is the medium for carrying the message from the sender to the receiver. There are many types of channel for the communication. The channel can be verbal (voice), non verbal (written words), or mass media (television, radio, newspaper, magazine, book and etc). Choosing the right channel is very important to make the receiver to understand the message clearly. Especially for the marketing of the organization, choosing the right channel is very important because it can affect the accomplishment of the project directly. Decoding: Decoding is the interpretation of the message by the receiver. Reading of the written message, listening and understanding of verbal message, and watching the media (television, or film) can be a decoding. The receiver also has to try to understand the meaning of the message form sender. Then can make a effective communication. Feedback: the feedback is the response of the receiver to the senders message. The feedback provides the opportunities of improving the conversation and more effective. It is also giving the chance of evaluating mistakes or right things in the particular conversation. And it helps to regulate the conversation between the sender and the receiver. Noise: The noise is interruptions in communication. It interrupts the communication process and to make the communication ineffective. The Environment is one of the major causes of noises. Anything interrupts the communication can be a noise. For example, the television or radio sound, noise of the children, noise of roadside, bad condition of phone line etc. All those kind of thing can be a noise of communication. Therefore for effective communication, it is necessary to reduce the noise as possible as they can. 3.0 The ways to ensure the intended audience to receive right message The communication skill is attached great important to all the people in these days. The good communication skill helps the people to avoid misunderstanding and argument. It also can help someone to get opportunities in certain circumstances. In the communication, not all the audiences understand the senders message clearly. So, how can sender ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? There are some skills the sender should consider for his communication. Control the voice(volume, tone, and the speed) It is the well known fact that the audiences usually understand the speakers message from the other things a lot more than actual words he uses. Especially, the speakers voice affect the audience understands so much. If the speaker speaks too fast, the audience cannot catch up what the speaker wants to say and if the speaker speaks too slowly, the audience might lose their concentration and cannot receive right message. As same meaning, the speaker needs to control and change his volume, tone and the speed to attract the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Using suitable word and pronunciation To ensure the audience has received the right message, the speaker must use the suitable word. The word cannot be very difficult or too easy to lose the audiences interest. Also, the speakers pronunciation is very important in verbal communication to make the audience to understand .If the speaker speaks the dialect or mispronounces the audience is hard to understand the message. Therefore, the speaker should use the standard language. Using some body language As it mentioned above, the audience more understand the message not from the speakers word. If the speaker uses some body language during the conversation, it will help the audience to understand the meaning of the message. But the speaker needs to be careful to use some body languages because some of the body language has different meaning in different cultures. Reducing the noise Any kind of noises in the communication interrupt the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Only reducing the noises, the speaker can make more effective communication. Sometimes reducing the noise is difficult because some of the noise we cannot control. Well preparation Before the communication, the speaker should prepare himself fist. He should know what the purpose of communication is, and how he is going to talk to the audiences. He also should prepare structure of message and it will help him not to talk about out of point. With well-prepared message, the speaker can get more confident to talk. An d the smooth presenting helps the audience to understand the speakers message clearly. Analyzing the audience before the communication There is a phrase in Korea If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle. As this phrase if the speaker knows about the audiences, he can attract the audience better and make them to concentrate on the conversation. For example, different types of people have different knowledge level, if the speaker knows the audiences knowledge or education level, he might choose right word to present the message and it will help the audiences to receive right message form speaker. Right time, Right place Although the speaker has very great communication skill, if he chooses wrong time or wrong place, the audiences cannot receive the right message. Speech during the lunch time, the audiences cannot concentrate on the speech. Also if the speaker talks in very noise place, the audiences cannot hear what the speaker wants to say. Asking the question to the audiences To ensure the audiences understand the message, the speaker can ask the questions to the audiences during the speech. The speaker can know whether the audiences understand or receive the right message or not immediately. At the same time by asking the question, the speaker can get back the audiences attention too. Controlling the speech time Long speech time can make the audiences to lose their concentration. The speaker might give the audiences short break. It will help the audiences to refresh themselves and they can pay attention in the speech. Using auditory visual effect People decode the message by not only hearing but also seeing, feeling etc. Using the auditory visual effects, the speaker can stimulate the audiences decode abilities. And it will help the audiences to understand the message easier. Providing hand-out If the speaker provides the hand-out to the audiences, it also helps the audience to get right message because the audiences can refer the important point although they miss during the speech. Emphasizing the important point When the speaker speeches, he should emphasize the important point. At the important point, he might speak louder or repeat the point two or three times to let the audiences to know that is the main point of the speech. Especially before the speaker ends the speech, summarize the main point to make sure that the audiences get the right message. Dress code Before the speech starts, the audiences judge the message from the speakers dress code even though it is not related to the message. The speaker should attract the audiences with his dress code, he might be able to attract with the message too. If the speaker shows his neat and tidy visual, the audiences will open their heart to listen to the speech. Using positive words All the people like to listen to the positive words rather than the negative words. So, the speaker might attract the audiences with the positive words to make them to concentrate in the speech. 4.0 Conclusion (Q2) As a person who lives in this world, every day, every hour, even every minutes, we need to communicate with others in different ways. A man plays the different role in different situation. He might be a presenter, a writer, or an audience too. In the communication, the most important part is not only sender but also a receiver. If the both parties do not play their role well it cannot be an effective communication. The sender has to send the message clearly and choose right medium, right time and right place. The audience has to concentrate on the senders message. People cannot live without communication. Therefore they should learn communication skill to avoid any miscommunication. 5.0 Introduction Q2 The well-built communication is one of the competitiveness of the organization. It helps to motivate the employees by sharing the mission and vision for achieving firms goals. Especially how well the firm communicates with consumers affects the firms brand image and revenue. The most common communication medium is an advertisement. And choosing the right medium for the advertisement helps to make impressive communication to the target audiences. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is going to introduce the new menu called Bibimbab. Bibimbab is a popular Korean traditional dish. The word literally means Mixed rice. Namul(seasoned vegetables), sliced meat(usually beef), fried egg with Korean traditional chili pepper paste are served on top of the warm white rice. Now the product manager of The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is looking for the methods, the mediums and the vehicles to use for the communication with target audience. Lets look at their advertisement project. 6.0 Advertising Mediums The advertising medium can described as the method which brings out or carries the advertisers message to the audiences. And the advertising medium makes the connection between the firm which manufactures the products or offers the services and the consumers who are interesting in the products. The media is commonly described as channels of mass communication such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine and so on. The advertising media can be classified major three part; print, electronic, and moving. Print media: The term print media is any printed medium which are commercially published. For example, newspapers, magazine, flyer, brochure and bill-board are kinds of print media. It is the most easy and effective way of spreading the information to the masses. However, the advertisement through the print media has short shelf life because the most of print media advertisement are read once and discarded. Also increasing the popularity internet becomes one of disadvantages of print media advertisement because a lot of people prefer to read online version rather than reading printed version. Electronic media: The electronic media is the medium which uses the electronic energy to access the content for the audience. For example, television, radio, cinema, electronic bill-board are kinds of electronic media. It is the easiest the way to reach the large number of the audiences in a short period of time. And it provides more creativeness for the advertising. However it has some disadvantages. It is limited communication because the length of exposes is limited. Normally the most of advertisements through electronic media are allowed to be exposed around thirty seconds only. Transit media: The transit media is also called as out-door media. The transit media is the medium which uses the vehicles to a platform of advertising. For example, bus, train, monorail are kinds of moving media. It is important to reach audiences of all the ages. It is an advertisement which following the consumer. So, no matter the audiences wants or not he can see the advertising. This point can help to maximise the advertisement effect. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Transit media advertisements are easy to damage compare with other mediums because the advertisement is exposed in open environment. Also, it is not appropriate to show all the detailed services of the products. 7.0 Bibimbab advertisement in The Star newspaper Advertising in newspaper has many advantages to the small business owner. It takes lower cost but high effectiveness. 7.1 The advantages of newspaper advertisement are as follow: Cost effective advertisement Through newspaper advertisement, the firm can enjoy lower cost but high effectiveness. The cost of newspaper advertisement is cheaper compare with other mediums such as television, radio, bill-board advertisement. Also it does not need to spend much budget for the high technology artwork. Because the newspapers print quality is not very good. So, simple artwork also should not be a problem for the newspaper advertisement. The newspapers are distributed in large areas. The firm can advertises the product in locally target area through the newspaper distribution. It also helps to save the cost for the firm. Large variety of advertisement size In newspaper advertisement, there are more choices for the size. Depend on the firms budget, purpose, or design, the firm can choose different sizes in different pages. The firm also can choose black and white advertisement or full color advertisement. Physical advertisement The newspaper advertisement is printed advertisement. So it can contain more details such as price list, company details, coupon etc. other medias are hard to contain detail information especially electronic media because it is not physical advertisement so, it is hard to show the detail information. However, the newspaper advertisement can contain more detail information. 7.2 Bibimbab advertisement bibimaba-16.jpg This is very simple Bibimbab advertisement. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd made this advertisement in The Star newspaper. Because according to Audit Bureau of Circulations, as an English language newspaper, The Star has largest daily circulation in Malaysia. Especially in Kuala Lumpur area, The Star newspaper is No.1distributed English language newspaper. This fact helps The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd to reach the target audiences effectively. The main point in this advertisement is the colourful ingredients of Bibimbab. The Main ingredients of Bibimbab are vegetables and the different colours of vegetable makes the harmonies on the Bibimbab. And the colourful dish can attract the consumer in their first sight. The bowl which contains the Bibimbab is a brass bowl and it shows the Korean traditional custom. The brass bowl was commonly used in the every family for keep the food warm and fresh. The brass bowl is most suitable for Bibimbab as a public dish. The garish back ground colour is enough to emphasise the Bibimbab. Next to the Bibimbab dish, there are a set of spoon and chopstick. It shows Korean traditional food culture as well. Under the Bibimbab picture, there is wording How about BIBIMBAB for lunch today? Bibimbab might be not very familiar name to many people. To write Bibimbab in capital letter and make the font size bigger than others, let the audiences to recognize that this advertisement talks about Bibimbab. And as a word for lunch, the consumer might able to know Bibimbab is a kind of dishes. Asking the readers How about Bibimbab for lunch today? makes the readers more curious about Bibimbab. Every lunch time, people think what to have for lunch today. And the people who see this advertisement might think that what is Bibimbab? Is it delicious? Lets try it for lunch today. At the top of the advertisement, there is a simple explanation of Bibimbab. To use small font to show it is extra explanation only. And at the right bottom there are company details which are company name, telephone number, and the address. If the readers want to get more information, they can make a call to ask directly. All the wordings in this advertisement are white because the background colour is dark gray. So if the wording is dark colour the reader cannot read. If the wordings are too colourful, it interrupts the focus on the colourful Bibimbab picture. White letters can make the harmony with the Bibimbab picture and the background. 8.0 Conclusion In mass communication anyone can be a receiver. Person who watch television, person who read the newspaper or magazine, even the person who waiting for the bus at bus station etc all of them can be a receiver because the mass communication is usually in one way. And it has many kinds of mediums to reach the target audiences. There are three mediums which are commonly used print media, electronic media and transit media. Each media has their own advantages and disadvantages. To analyse communication mediums helps the firm to reach the target consumers at right time, right place, and right methods. The most important thing in mass communication is it must be able to deliver the right message of sender to the audiences very clearly and persuade them. Therefore, when the firm makes the advertisement, it has to consider the use of all the elements of advertisement such as wording font size, theme font, colour, picture, size, background and even structures of it. All those simple elements can affect the success rate of advertisement.