Sunday, December 15, 2019

Kibera Slum Free Essays

Kibera Case Study:- [pic] Kibera is a slum divsion in the City of Nairobi, Kenya. It is located 5 kilometres from the city centre. It is the largest slum in Nairobi and the second largest in Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on Kibera Slum or any similar topic only for you Order Now A 2009 population and housing survey reported that Kibera’s population as 170,070. It is hard to acccurately compute the population due to the fact that the slum hasnt been officially reconised by the Kenyan government. Furthermore because it is a slum, residents may not be able to read or write, so filling in censes are a problem. General Facts:- |Population |700-900k | |Distance from Nairobi |7 km | |Physical size (acres) |~630 | |Portion of people earning 15% | |Est. AIDS orphans |50,000 | |Portion of people renting |93% | |Avg. monthly rent |$15USD | |Avg. # rooms per dwelling |1. 11 | |Typical room size |9†² x 9†² | It is a place where the people who live there face innumerable challenges, including the following, to name a few†¦ †¢ Living in one-room houses made of mud, with tin roofs with about 1m? of space per person. †¢ No running water (most water has to be purchased from brokers) †¢ Little to no access to electricity †¢ Widespread unemployment and low wage-earning rates ( $1 a day for the majority) †¢ Rampant disease, from malaria to cholera to HIV †¢ Lack of ownership of their property Improvements:- After a decade or so there has been an increase in efforts to improve conditions. The most notable example is KENSUP, or the Kenya Slum Upgrading Project, which is sponsored by UN-HABITAT. Resulting from a 2000 meeting between President Moi and the UN Human Settlements Programme, KENSUP aims to improve physical structures in Kibera and other slums through a process called â€Å"slum upgrading. † The program calls for the temporary relocation of residents of Kibera to adjacent â€Å"decanting sites,† allowing the construction of permanent dwellings to proceed in the Kiberan villages. Work has commenced in the Soweto East village, and as of September 2009, the first decanting site was under construction. Kibera needs land/tenancy rights, housing, water, electricity, health clinics, education, employment, security plus much more. All these issues are being addressed to a lesser or greater extent by many organizations including the Churches, UN-Habitat, MSF, AMREF etc. Money is finding its way through from many international organizations including Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton Foundation, all the well known charities and of course the churches both in Africa and internationally. How to cite Kibera Slum, Papers

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