Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Munk Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Munk Debate - Essay Example The only city that has such population in Europe is London. There are only eleven European Union countries with a population of below six million. The country is forty times the geographical size of Canada fox. If the country were to be divided like Europe, it would have about ninety nation states. China’s population has many advantages that will contribute to its economic and political power in the 21st century. The country has approximately 1.2 billion people with the size being proportional to its economy. The country’s large population contributed to its poor economy in the past decades because the largest percentage consisted of young individuals who were dependants. However, a large percentage of the population currently consists of the mature working population. This has contributed to the present economic explosion. The current population structure has resulted into the high human capital in China (Munk debates). The 21st century will belong to China because its economy is increasing at an advanced tempo compared to other countries globally. For instance, in the past thirty years, its economy has risen by a factual value of about 10. The current report of the IMF shows that China will be largest financial system in the coming years. Its economy has already surpassed the US because it is the largest manufacturer especially in the car market. Global financial reports also show that the demand for its cars will increase by tenfold in future. By 2035, the country will be using a fifth of the global energy. The global market analysts assert that only a country with the largest industrial production can lead the world. China is currently the largest industrial producer based on its large population. It goods are on demand because it supplies its products to the developing countries at cheap prices. The countries also supply skilled and cheap labor that is also on high demand in many foreign countries. This has enabled china to compete more effec tively in the market compared to its rivals. The developed countries focus on selling their goods and attracting investors from other developing countries. China targets the developing world like the African countries leading to the expansion of its market especially the automobile (Munk debates). In the past, China relied on investors, but it is currently one of the major investors today because of its 3 trillion dollars global reserves and other assets worth 200 billion dollars. China’s economy is also expanding because of innovations and high quality education. For instance, the students at Shanghai topped in Mathematics with a score of 600, while the students in the US became 25th with a score of 487 when education achievements of students of the age of 15 were ranked last year (Munk debates). Furthermore, there are high chances that China will rule because the economy of the West is declining at a high rate because of economic crisis that resulted from excessive gambling . Additionally, the US will be spending more on debts than on defense. The West is also losing its political powers because of political crises that are exemplified by the game of Russian roulette over the US federal. The business taxes in China are very low, and this has attracted many investors. The US is among the countries with the most raised business tax rates. Additionally, th

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