Thursday, January 9, 2020

Labor Movements Of South Africa - 1275 Words

In the years following the First World War, South Africa became part of a major labor movement that involved many workers of mines, textile industries, agriculture and other major businesses that made up the economy. Labor movements played a big role in the South African society politically and economically. The movements took a major role in creating many unions and with that many protests, boycotts, and violence took place in various sectors of the South African society. Workers from regions of South Africa were discontent with the economy of their society, because it had taken a tremendous toll on them including their family and friends. A major union formed in South Africa that played a huge role on the influence of the society politically and socially was the Industrial and Commercial Union also known as the ICU. â€Å"Among African and Colored workers, the discontent found expression in the formation of the ICU first in Cape Town, and then rapidly throughout South Africa.â₠¬ 1 The formation of the ICU, influenced workers in different sects of the job industry to form other unions starting a major workers movement that shaped the way we look at South Africa today. Clements Kadalie founded the ICU, but Makama Masabalala was the most important figure of the ICU who established his leadership through â€Å"agitating, educating, and organizing†2 the union to get what the people asked for and that was better wages. Strikes quickly started to up rise resulting in violence killing manyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Globalization1678 Words   |  7 Pageswhich is commonly referred to as a global village (Egnatz, 2011). 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