Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sir Thomas More Essay example -- essays research papers

Thomas More In life, belief can be a very powerful thing, powerful enough to affect major choices. Believing is having faith in an idea, person, thing or religion. In Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More made many important choices the were affected by a belief in the religious theory that the Pope is the "Vicar of God" (the descendant of St. Peter, and our only link to Christ.) Throughout Mores entire life he chose to be loyal this belief, even thought it cost him his life in 1535. More chose to go against the King's divorce of Catherine, and marry of Anne. He chose to not sign to oath for the act of Succession, and towards the end of the play More was put to the ultimate test in faith, choose to go against his belief or be executed. Sir Thomas More chose always to be against the King divorce to Catherine of Aragon. He shows this when Cardinal Woolsey summons him to attend a matter concerning the "Kings business". In their meeting the topic of the Kings re-marriage is what the Cardinal wanted to talk to More about, When Woolsey says "...that thing out there is at least fertile, Thomas". More shows that he is against the divorce by saying "But she's not his wife". More again shows his beliefs that a dispensation was given so that Henry could marry Catherine and Thomas knows that the Pope will not give a dispensation on a dispensation. More believes that the Pope should make the decision about the divorce. And More ...

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