Saturday, August 24, 2019

How The things we use make us part of this world Research Paper

How The things we use make us part of this world - Research Paper Example Consequently, anyone hardly recognizes the role played by items they utilize in enhancing the broader picture of globalization and economic advancement (Kalb, Pansters and Siebers 1). This write-up identifies the roles played by diverse persons and the integration of the global populace. Additionally, it discusses issues pertaining to oil from its source in to the pumps citizens visit daily. Fundamentally, policies adopted by different regimes following the culmination of WWII have steered globalization (Kalb, Pansters and Siebers 1). Oil Import to United States Crane, Goldthau & Toman, et al., (5) approximate that the U.S purchases 12 million units daily. The U.S consumes about 25% of the total oil produced in the world. However, it only produces 10% of the full global production. This indicates that such a fraction is considerable. The transport sector is the major consumer of oil in the U.S. Cordesman and Al-Rodhan (33) indicates that the transport sector consumes 70% of the impor ted oil. Most oil originates from Canada. However, countries like Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and West Africa also contribute substantially to the imports. The major byproducts of crude oil are gasoline, diesel and oil. These refined fuels are massively important in the development of a good transport arrangement. Apparently, continued economic development in the established economies and the emerging countries rely on oil (Cordesman and Al-Rodhan 33). In the global stage, every entity aspires to safeguard her sources of crude oil. This has lead to the establishment of economical treaties to safeguard these strategic interests. The Social life and journey of Oil Numerous products arise from crude oil. A good illustration is gasoline. Canada is the principal source of U.S oil; the raw material for the manufacture of gasoline originates from the Alberta’s oil fields. However, the journey to obtaining gasoline starts with oil exploration. Secondly, drilling and extraction fo llows (Gorelick 206). a. â€Å"Exploration, Drilling and Extraction of Oil† (Gorelick 206). Finding deposits in inhospitable areas is exceedingly expensive and intricate. The next phase of drilling, removal and transporting to the intended market in the U.S pose major environmental, cultural and health problems. Oil companies use advance â€Å"remote sensing and satellite mapping technologies† to locate reserves (Gorelick 210). Additionally, seismic technology assists in identification of suspected reserves. According to Gorelick (210), extraction of oil impacts massively on environment than oil spillage. These impacts incorporate colossal deforestation, chemical contagion of both â€Å"land and water†, interference with animal habitats and safety risks to both industry workers and surrounding communities (Gorelick 210). The oil sector generates more effluents than other industries. Gorelick (210) describes oil as an effluent containing heavy metals like â€Å" barium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and mercury†. It also contains industrial strength materials. In some cases, the water is 100% more radioactive than nuclear plants’ discharge. Oil spillage represents a principal source of contagion. The latest illustration is the adversity witnessed in the â€Å"Gulf of Mexico† (Gorelick 210). Additionally, emissions from wells front a noteworthy environmental contamination. Several health

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