Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion Response - Essay Example Government machinery was deployed in both cases to ensure that the leaders’ ideologies were implemented. This took the form of mass violence, the establishment of concentration camps, and strict control of every aspect of the people’s lives as you rightly state. I have learnt from you one main difference between Hitler and Stalin that never was on my mind; the faà §ades they presented in public. I like the way you put it; Stalin’s speech and presentation in public light was positive while the actions he did or oversaw were quite the opposite, unlike Hitler who never minded what others thought of him. That said, I will like to add a point to your post in relation to the differences of the two regimes. While both regimes were oriented toward the good of the state as opposed to the individual, they were different in the sense that the Nazi movement focused on eliminating inferior races and people from the country while the Soviet regime was focused on eliminating class differences as noted by Kershaw and Moshà © (1997). In some sense, therefore, the two regimes used the same means (violence and strict controls) to meet different ends (establishing a pure Aryan state versus eliminating class

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Accounting as the Important Function of Every Business Organisation Essay

Accounting as the Important Function of Every Business Organisation (Halfords company) - Essay Example Accounting’s main or primary purpose is to identify the activities of the business organisation, recording and measuring the transactions of the business and communicating the financial information to all the interested persons like the shareholders, investors, creditors, management, employees, government etc. The financial information generated from accounting in form of financial statements helps managerial decision making and other important investment decisions. Accounting is an important function of every business organisation. Accounting has various purposes and objectives. Among the various purposes, the main purpose of accounting is to record the transaction of the business enterprise in a systematic manner and to provide information about the financial position of the business enterprise to all its stakeholders. Accounting’s main or primary purpose is to identify the activities of the business organisation, recording and measuring the transactions of the busine ss and communicating the financial information to all the interested persons like the shareholders, investors, creditors, management, employees, government etc. The financial information generated from accounting in form of financial statements helps managerial decision making and other important investment decisions.... Figure 1: Performa of a purchase account in a ledger (Source: National Institute of Open Schooling, n.d, p.125) Thus the ledger is the collection of accounts maintained by the company. The ledger provides balance of the particular account on a particular date like the amount of sales on a particular date can be found from the sales account. Apart from these main books the company can also maintain sales day book and purchase day book to record its credit sales and credit purchase respectively. 2 (b) Every business organisation usually had a number of business transactions. Similarly Halfords would also have a number of transactions during a particular accounting period. The most common transactions that the company would certainly have during an accounting period are as follows:- Cash sales: Cash sales denote selling goods and services on cash. This means that the amount of goods sold or services rendered is immediately received by the company. This transaction is recorded by debitin g the cash or bank account and crediting the sales account. Cash purchase: Cash purchase signifies purchasing goods or services on cash. In cash purchase the amount for the goods purchased or services availed has to be paid immediately. This particular transaction is recorded in the books of accounts by crediting the cash or bank account and debiting the purchase account. Credit sales: Credit sales denote that the goods or services have been sold on credit. In credit sales the amount of goods sold or services rendered are not paid immediately but after a certain period of time (which is known as credit period). This particular transaction is recorded by debiting the debtor’s account (the person to whom the goods are sold) and crediting the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay Human beings are the social animals live with others. From the moment we are born until the last moment of our life, our whole life is a process of socialization. We are living with other people in the various kind of things related. Personal chat with the neighbors, teaching someone or learning something forms others, showing the opinions to others so on. All those kind of activities are communication. So, all the human societies involve the communication and the communication takes an important place in the human societies. What is communication? The communication can be defined as a processing of transferring the information by several methods between the sender and receiver. How is the communication made and how do the people ensure the audiences have received the right massage in their communication? Lets discuss about the communication process and the right ways of communication. 2.0 Communication process The purpose of communication is getting the right message across to others clearly. The communication only can succeed when the both parties (the sender and the receiver) understand the same information as a result of the communication. So, how can we make effective communication? A Communication Process is usually used when a sender wishes to communicate formally within an organization. By using the Communication Process, the sender could be ensured that there are no miscommunications to be occurred. Figure à «Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ­Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…“.jpg In the figure 1, the sender is the encoder, the message is verbal massage or written message, the channel is one of the medium which to transmit the message, the receiver is the decoder, feedback is a response of the message, and the noise is any kind of interruption which can disturb the communication. And each of the essential elements is playing the important role in making the effective communication. Sender (encoder): A sender is the one who initiate the communication. Anyone who starts the conversation can be a sender. An effective communication is depending on the senders communication skill, level of his knowledge, attitude or how much the sender desires to affect the receiver. The person who uses the appropriate words, sentences, gestures, tone and so on might be a good communicator. The sender has to be well prepared the knowledge for the particular topic before he starts conversation. Also, the sender has to respect the person whom he communicates. Encoding: Encoding is formulating the message. That is not only translating the senders mind (ideas, thinking, information, opinion or etc) into a message but also deciding what kind of medium to use for the communication. Speaking, writing, gesturing, signaling etc can be a kind of encoding. Before, the sender choose the medium, he has to think about the receivers abilities of understanding. For example, if there are an illiterate receiver and the sender sends the written message to him, the receiver will fail to understand the message but the receiver can understand if the sender talks to him orally. The purpose of communication is the sender want to influence the receiver and get the responses. So, how the sender encode the message is the most important in the communication. Channel: A channel is the medium for carrying the message from the sender to the receiver. There are many types of channel for the communication. The channel can be verbal (voice), non verbal (written words), or mass media (television, radio, newspaper, magazine, book and etc). Choosing the right channel is very important to make the receiver to understand the message clearly. Especially for the marketing of the organization, choosing the right channel is very important because it can affect the accomplishment of the project directly. Decoding: Decoding is the interpretation of the message by the receiver. Reading of the written message, listening and understanding of verbal message, and watching the media (television, or film) can be a decoding. The receiver also has to try to understand the meaning of the message form sender. Then can make a effective communication. Feedback: the feedback is the response of the receiver to the senders message. The feedback provides the opportunities of improving the conversation and more effective. It is also giving the chance of evaluating mistakes or right things in the particular conversation. And it helps to regulate the conversation between the sender and the receiver. Noise: The noise is interruptions in communication. It interrupts the communication process and to make the communication ineffective. The Environment is one of the major causes of noises. Anything interrupts the communication can be a noise. For example, the television or radio sound, noise of the children, noise of roadside, bad condition of phone line etc. All those kind of thing can be a noise of communication. Therefore for effective communication, it is necessary to reduce the noise as possible as they can. 3.0 The ways to ensure the intended audience to receive right message The communication skill is attached great important to all the people in these days. The good communication skill helps the people to avoid misunderstanding and argument. It also can help someone to get opportunities in certain circumstances. In the communication, not all the audiences understand the senders message clearly. So, how can sender ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? There are some skills the sender should consider for his communication. Control the voice(volume, tone, and the speed) It is the well known fact that the audiences usually understand the speakers message from the other things a lot more than actual words he uses. Especially, the speakers voice affect the audience understands so much. If the speaker speaks too fast, the audience cannot catch up what the speaker wants to say and if the speaker speaks too slowly, the audience might lose their concentration and cannot receive right message. As same meaning, the speaker needs to control and change his volume, tone and the speed to attract the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Using suitable word and pronunciation To ensure the audience has received the right message, the speaker must use the suitable word. The word cannot be very difficult or too easy to lose the audiences interest. Also, the speakers pronunciation is very important in verbal communication to make the audience to understand .If the speaker speaks the dialect or mispronounces the audience is hard to understand the message. Therefore, the speaker should use the standard language. Using some body language As it mentioned above, the audience more understand the message not from the speakers word. If the speaker uses some body language during the conversation, it will help the audience to understand the meaning of the message. But the speaker needs to be careful to use some body languages because some of the body language has different meaning in different cultures. Reducing the noise Any kind of noises in the communication interrupt the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Only reducing the noises, the speaker can make more effective communication. Sometimes reducing the noise is difficult because some of the noise we cannot control. Well preparation Before the communication, the speaker should prepare himself fist. He should know what the purpose of communication is, and how he is going to talk to the audiences. He also should prepare structure of message and it will help him not to talk about out of point. With well-prepared message, the speaker can get more confident to talk. An d the smooth presenting helps the audience to understand the speakers message clearly. Analyzing the audience before the communication There is a phrase in Korea If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle. As this phrase if the speaker knows about the audiences, he can attract the audience better and make them to concentrate on the conversation. For example, different types of people have different knowledge level, if the speaker knows the audiences knowledge or education level, he might choose right word to present the message and it will help the audiences to receive right message form speaker. Right time, Right place Although the speaker has very great communication skill, if he chooses wrong time or wrong place, the audiences cannot receive the right message. Speech during the lunch time, the audiences cannot concentrate on the speech. Also if the speaker talks in very noise place, the audiences cannot hear what the speaker wants to say. Asking the question to the audiences To ensure the audiences understand the message, the speaker can ask the questions to the audiences during the speech. The speaker can know whether the audiences understand or receive the right message or not immediately. At the same time by asking the question, the speaker can get back the audiences attention too. Controlling the speech time Long speech time can make the audiences to lose their concentration. The speaker might give the audiences short break. It will help the audiences to refresh themselves and they can pay attention in the speech. Using auditory visual effect People decode the message by not only hearing but also seeing, feeling etc. Using the auditory visual effects, the speaker can stimulate the audiences decode abilities. And it will help the audiences to understand the message easier. Providing hand-out If the speaker provides the hand-out to the audiences, it also helps the audience to get right message because the audiences can refer the important point although they miss during the speech. Emphasizing the important point When the speaker speeches, he should emphasize the important point. At the important point, he might speak louder or repeat the point two or three times to let the audiences to know that is the main point of the speech. Especially before the speaker ends the speech, summarize the main point to make sure that the audiences get the right message. Dress code Before the speech starts, the audiences judge the message from the speakers dress code even though it is not related to the message. The speaker should attract the audiences with his dress code, he might be able to attract with the message too. If the speaker shows his neat and tidy visual, the audiences will open their heart to listen to the speech. Using positive words All the people like to listen to the positive words rather than the negative words. So, the speaker might attract the audiences with the positive words to make them to concentrate in the speech. 4.0 Conclusion (Q2) As a person who lives in this world, every day, every hour, even every minutes, we need to communicate with others in different ways. A man plays the different role in different situation. He might be a presenter, a writer, or an audience too. In the communication, the most important part is not only sender but also a receiver. If the both parties do not play their role well it cannot be an effective communication. The sender has to send the message clearly and choose right medium, right time and right place. The audience has to concentrate on the senders message. People cannot live without communication. Therefore they should learn communication skill to avoid any miscommunication. 5.0 Introduction Q2 The well-built communication is one of the competitiveness of the organization. It helps to motivate the employees by sharing the mission and vision for achieving firms goals. Especially how well the firm communicates with consumers affects the firms brand image and revenue. The most common communication medium is an advertisement. And choosing the right medium for the advertisement helps to make impressive communication to the target audiences. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is going to introduce the new menu called Bibimbab. Bibimbab is a popular Korean traditional dish. The word literally means Mixed rice. Namul(seasoned vegetables), sliced meat(usually beef), fried egg with Korean traditional chili pepper paste are served on top of the warm white rice. Now the product manager of The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is looking for the methods, the mediums and the vehicles to use for the communication with target audience. Lets look at their advertisement project. 6.0 Advertising Mediums The advertising medium can described as the method which brings out or carries the advertisers message to the audiences. And the advertising medium makes the connection between the firm which manufactures the products or offers the services and the consumers who are interesting in the products. The media is commonly described as channels of mass communication such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine and so on. The advertising media can be classified major three part; print, electronic, and moving. Print media: The term print media is any printed medium which are commercially published. For example, newspapers, magazine, flyer, brochure and bill-board are kinds of print media. It is the most easy and effective way of spreading the information to the masses. However, the advertisement through the print media has short shelf life because the most of print media advertisement are read once and discarded. Also increasing the popularity internet becomes one of disadvantages of print media advertisement because a lot of people prefer to read online version rather than reading printed version. Electronic media: The electronic media is the medium which uses the electronic energy to access the content for the audience. For example, television, radio, cinema, electronic bill-board are kinds of electronic media. It is the easiest the way to reach the large number of the audiences in a short period of time. And it provides more creativeness for the advertising. However it has some disadvantages. It is limited communication because the length of exposes is limited. Normally the most of advertisements through electronic media are allowed to be exposed around thirty seconds only. Transit media: The transit media is also called as out-door media. The transit media is the medium which uses the vehicles to a platform of advertising. For example, bus, train, monorail are kinds of moving media. It is important to reach audiences of all the ages. It is an advertisement which following the consumer. So, no matter the audiences wants or not he can see the advertising. This point can help to maximise the advertisement effect. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Transit media advertisements are easy to damage compare with other mediums because the advertisement is exposed in open environment. Also, it is not appropriate to show all the detailed services of the products. 7.0 Bibimbab advertisement in The Star newspaper Advertising in newspaper has many advantages to the small business owner. It takes lower cost but high effectiveness. 7.1 The advantages of newspaper advertisement are as follow: Cost effective advertisement Through newspaper advertisement, the firm can enjoy lower cost but high effectiveness. The cost of newspaper advertisement is cheaper compare with other mediums such as television, radio, bill-board advertisement. Also it does not need to spend much budget for the high technology artwork. Because the newspapers print quality is not very good. So, simple artwork also should not be a problem for the newspaper advertisement. The newspapers are distributed in large areas. The firm can advertises the product in locally target area through the newspaper distribution. It also helps to save the cost for the firm. Large variety of advertisement size In newspaper advertisement, there are more choices for the size. Depend on the firms budget, purpose, or design, the firm can choose different sizes in different pages. The firm also can choose black and white advertisement or full color advertisement. Physical advertisement The newspaper advertisement is printed advertisement. So it can contain more details such as price list, company details, coupon etc. other medias are hard to contain detail information especially electronic media because it is not physical advertisement so, it is hard to show the detail information. However, the newspaper advertisement can contain more detail information. 7.2 Bibimbab advertisement bibimaba-16.jpg This is very simple Bibimbab advertisement. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd made this advertisement in The Star newspaper. Because according to Audit Bureau of Circulations, as an English language newspaper, The Star has largest daily circulation in Malaysia. Especially in Kuala Lumpur area, The Star newspaper is No.1distributed English language newspaper. This fact helps The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd to reach the target audiences effectively. The main point in this advertisement is the colourful ingredients of Bibimbab. The Main ingredients of Bibimbab are vegetables and the different colours of vegetable makes the harmonies on the Bibimbab. And the colourful dish can attract the consumer in their first sight. The bowl which contains the Bibimbab is a brass bowl and it shows the Korean traditional custom. The brass bowl was commonly used in the every family for keep the food warm and fresh. The brass bowl is most suitable for Bibimbab as a public dish. The garish back ground colour is enough to emphasise the Bibimbab. Next to the Bibimbab dish, there are a set of spoon and chopstick. It shows Korean traditional food culture as well. Under the Bibimbab picture, there is wording How about BIBIMBAB for lunch today? Bibimbab might be not very familiar name to many people. To write Bibimbab in capital letter and make the font size bigger than others, let the audiences to recognize that this advertisement talks about Bibimbab. And as a word for lunch, the consumer might able to know Bibimbab is a kind of dishes. Asking the readers How about Bibimbab for lunch today? makes the readers more curious about Bibimbab. Every lunch time, people think what to have for lunch today. And the people who see this advertisement might think that what is Bibimbab? Is it delicious? Lets try it for lunch today. At the top of the advertisement, there is a simple explanation of Bibimbab. To use small font to show it is extra explanation only. And at the right bottom there are company details which are company name, telephone number, and the address. If the readers want to get more information, they can make a call to ask directly. All the wordings in this advertisement are white because the background colour is dark gray. So if the wording is dark colour the reader cannot read. If the wordings are too colourful, it interrupts the focus on the colourful Bibimbab picture. White letters can make the harmony with the Bibimbab picture and the background. 8.0 Conclusion In mass communication anyone can be a receiver. Person who watch television, person who read the newspaper or magazine, even the person who waiting for the bus at bus station etc all of them can be a receiver because the mass communication is usually in one way. And it has many kinds of mediums to reach the target audiences. There are three mediums which are commonly used print media, electronic media and transit media. Each media has their own advantages and disadvantages. To analyse communication mediums helps the firm to reach the target consumers at right time, right place, and right methods. The most important thing in mass communication is it must be able to deliver the right message of sender to the audiences very clearly and persuade them. Therefore, when the firm makes the advertisement, it has to consider the use of all the elements of advertisement such as wording font size, theme font, colour, picture, size, background and even structures of it. All those simple elements can affect the success rate of advertisement.

Friday, October 25, 2019

things Fall Apart Essay -- essays research papers

CHAPTER 10 A very dramatic public ceremony is described in detail that involves meting out justice. On the village commons ppl gather and the rest of the village is behind them. Nine stools are placed for the egwugwu to sit. Egwugwu represent the spirits of their ancestors and are respected members of the community who can dispense justice in trials. Women stood on the edges of the circle. A gong is loudly blasted and the guttural voice of the egwugwu is heard. When he makes his appearance, it is very dramatic as he wears a fearful looking mask and pretends to scare the women. With him , nine other masked men emerge. Okonkwo's wives notice that one of the egwugwu walks with a springy step such as Okonkwo does. They also notice he is absent from where the elders sit. The leader of the egwugwu speaks some words. The hearing then begins. It involves a man named Uzowulu whose wife was taken away by him by her family. He wishes that either she return or they pay him his bride-price. The women's brother argues that she has been rescued because she is beaten every day and that she will return on the promise that he never hit her again. After the discussion the leader returns with a verdict. He tells Uzowulu to bring wine to his wife's family and beg his wife to return to him. He also expresses disgust at Uzowulu's cowardice in beating women and askes him to accept his brother-in-law's offer. The egwugwu and their system of justice are similar to Western society's notion of a fair public trial. The men who conduct the hearings are the senior members of the society, and have political as well as economic power, but they mask themselves to hide their identity, so that a fair judgment can be given. Here each party is given a chance to state their case and then the egwugwu leave to debate a verdict as well as a punishment or remuneration. The dismissive attitude one of the elders shows for a trial of this kind reveals the lack of power and respect that women had in this society. Not only does the women's brother speak for her, but she has no say in the verdict handed to her husband. Whether or not she wants to return is overlooked by the larger economic reason for her return. Her husband's hand is slapped for being so violent but other than that he is not punished for his crime, simply fined CHAPTER 11 One night, Ezinma and her mother are sitting in... ...anly fsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sd fsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sdfsdihsdlhsdodsdjohndjsjdkl hd shduiosy yuio sduisui sd ure i entually will

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A compare and contrast Analysis of “The Metamorphosis” and “The Things They Carried” Essay

Society’s alienation and misunderstanding of humanity can transform once life, both Gregor Samsa and Norman Bowker suffered from isolation. Freedom is truly conquered when one is at full peace spiritually; one can be imprisoned in its own thoughts, desires and memories. To follow I will provide examples form both narrative texts were both characters are imprisoned in their own thoughts, desires and memories. In the process of discovering true freedom Gregor is pressured by society and his family to support them after his father lost his job. â€Å"At the time Gregor’s sole desire was to do his utmost to help the family to forget as soon as possible the catastrophe that had overwhelmed the business and thrown them all into a state of complete desire.† Trapped in a jam box where he must be exceptional, with a work mentality to support the family. Hating his job as a travelling salesman, but must continue doing it to pay off his parents’ debts all he talks about is how exhausting the job is, how irritating it is to be always travelling: making train connections, sleeping in strange beds, always dealing with new people and never getting to make new friends or even a loved one. We can see this on the text when he has the magazine cover instead of a real picture with a friend or a loved one (pg 89). â€Å" Hung the picture which he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and put into a pretty gilt frame. It showed a lady, with a fur cap on and a fur stole, sitting upright and holding out to the spectator a huge fur muff into wich the whole of her forearm had vanished!† Leaving behind his desires as a human being all he will think about was his father’s debt and how much he will have to work to help his family. Gregor had earned so much money that he was able to meet the whole family expenses. We can see evidence in the text on (pg 111). â€Å"They had simply got used to it, both the family and Gregor; the money was gratefully accepted and gladly given, but there was no special uprush of warm feeling.† His family has used Gregors noble hearth for their own benefit, for comfort since he was able to meet the whole family’s expenses and in returned cold hard words, and isolation were given to him, no love. No true family love disgusted by the truth cockroach he had become, an animal treated like one left in the dust, completely alone slowly becoming a curse in his sister’s eyes and the rest of the family. We can see some of the sister’s rejection toward Gregor when she brings in the food on (pg 107). â€Å" But his sister at once noticed, with surprise, that the basin was still full, except for a little milk that had been spilled all around it, she lifted it immediately, not with her bare hands, true, but with a cloth and carried it away.† Trapped inside a body that repulses his family months passed by and Gregor is physically and mentally abused by his father several times, starving for true family love. At the end of the text when Gregor finds humanity, he feels no shame about anything or anybody he moves toward the music fights towards something that he felt passion about without thinking about the others. Is when Gregor truly understand the meaning of freedom and what it is to be human. On the other hand Norman Bowker and courage soldier, a survivor from the Vietnam War who fought for our freedom. A true warrior earned 7 medals in his soldier journey and he will not see the greatest in him. Having difficulty adjusting to everyday life in the late afternoon on the Fourth of July holiday, Norman drives around the lake on his dads Chevy for hours, passing time and thinking about his life before the war, as his memories from Vietnam. He remembers driving around the lake with Sally before the war thinking about how his friends have gotten married or moved away to find jobs. Complete alone, isolated from his family and the world he imagines a conversation with his dad. We can see that Norman Bowker has no pride in him constantly putting himself down like it was no brave thing to accomplish the 7 medals on (pg 162). â€Å"Well this one time, this one night out by the river†¦ I wasn’t very brave.† â€Å" You have seven medals.† â€Å"Sure.† â€Å" Seven. Count ‘em. You weren’t a coward either.† â€Å" Well, maybe not. But I had the chance and I blew it. The stink, that’s what  go to me. I couldn’t take a goddamn awful smell.† Norman continues to drive around the lake while listening to the radio and thinks more about courage and cowardice was something small and stupid. Thinking about the incident that led up to Kiowa’s death on that rainy shit field and recalls the scene with great detail as the memories play again and again in his mind. Torturing him every second, thinking that he could have done more, and extra effort would have saved him and putting the guilt on him. His consciences was stronger them him unable to cope with his life, trapped in thoughts. The war was over and his not free, his locked in in his horrible memory punishing him every second of his life, complete alone from the world and eventually killed himself. He hanged himself. Overall both text Frank Kafka’s, The Metamorphosis and The Things They Carried contributed me to a better constructive symbol of what means to be human since we see the downfalls and rises from each character. Gregor provides the strength to fight for your beliefs for what moves you in life as a person. I realized that one has to enjoy life have friends spend time with their love ones and grow as a person, not just work because at the end you may never know what can happen and Norman Bowker taught me that we have to be at peace with our sol and mind, learning to forgive ourselves to turn the page of that horrible experience we had in life, even if sometimes can take a life time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lifeguarding: Swimming Pool and Associates Professional Lifeguard

Cortny Handorf Professor Richey English 1301 December 4, 2012 Life Savers Growing up, the job title â€Å"lifeguarding† said it all to me. Swimming pools and aquatic attractions were always the most fun places to go with the family. I always looked up to lifeguards as if they were some sort of a hero. They made me feel secure and safe although I've always been an excellent swimmer. It seemed as if they had the ideal job, so when I got older I took the first opportunity to become my own hero. I started out being just a lifeguard and then soon advanced quickly to a lifeguard instructor.I even was promoted to becoming the facilities Aquatics Director. Through this journey, I had the chance to experience how rewarding being a lifeguard truly is and was able to be many of others hero. There are several specific techniques on how to be an Ellis and Associates professional lifeguard. The first step in how to be an Ellis and Associates professional lifeguard is to pass all the prerequ isites. This includes being able to swim 200 yards and to tread water for two minutes. After passing those, people must take the international lifeguard training course through Ellis (ILTP).This program prepares them for what it takes to be professional. This course also teaches how to anticipate, recognize and manage aquatic emergencies. It is a requirement that Ellis lifeguards be accountable and responsible. After all, they are the crucial, front line components of water safety at an aquatic facility. Being prepared, pleasant, vigilant, knowledgeable, and always in proper uniform reflect upon the professional image of a lifeguard. When a lifeguard looks and acts professional the facility will reflect upon their actions, and the guest will respond to their request more efficiently.Lifeguards should also speak with authority to insure rule enforcement. The second step in how to be an Ellis and Associates lifeguard is to learn the variety of rescues. Each lifeguard is assigned a spe cific zone of protection. This is commonly referred to as their station or position they are responsible for. Within the zone of protection, each Ellis lifeguard is required to keep a vigilant 10/20 protection standard. This means they have 10 seconds to spot a guest in distress, and 20 seconds to reach the guest to administer aid.There are several different ways to scan a zone of protection, and everyone’s technique will be different. Practicing these techniques will assure vigilance, and help the guard stay focused. During an emergency, lifeguards have to be able to keep calm, speak loud and clear to be able to control a surrounding crowd. All Ellis lifeguards will also have to be CPR certified through Ellis. The lifeguards preform CPR until EMS shows up to take over. The third step in how to be an Ellis and Associates lifeguard is to know each facilities emergency action plan (EAP).Every aquatic facility has an EAP and should be practiced daily. It is important for all emp loyees to know their role in the state of an emergency. Communication becomes very crucial when an EAP has been activated. Most lifeguards use their whistles to communicate in this process. For example, the waterpark I was at used two long whistle blasts to activate an emergency. However, EMS is not always going to be called for a tiny scratch or slight sunburn. That means all lifeguards also have to know how to render first aid. By the end of the course, some people learn they are not cut out for this type of job.Therefore, after they have completed the 24 hour course and have passed the written exam at least by 80 percent, then they will be certified lifeguards. After they complete this, they now have to attend weekly in-services to keep their skills sharp. In conclusion, these are brief techniques on how to be an Ellis and Associates professional lifeguard. Being a lifeguard is harder than what some people may think. At the end of each day, lifeguards must be able to prioritize t heir actions in order to save lives when needed. They may not be doctors or nurses; however, they are life preservers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory

The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory The Frankfurt School refers to a collection of scholars known for developing critical theory  and popularizing the dialectical method of learning by interrogating societys contradictions and is most closely associated with the work of Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. It was not a school, in the physical sense, but rather a school of thought associated with some scholars at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt in Germany. The Institute was founded by Marxist scholar  Carl Grà ¼nberg  in 1923, and initially financed by another Marxist scholar, Felix Weil. However, the Frankfurt School is known for a  particular brand of culturally focused  neo-Marxist theory- a rethinking of classical Marxism to update it to their socio-historical period- which proved seminal for the fields of sociology, cultural studies, and media studies. Max Horkheimer receiving the chain of office by former Rector Prof. Rajewski. Dr. Horkheimer left Germany in the early days of the Third Reich when his institute for Social Research fell under the Nazi ban. Bettman/Getty Images In 1930 Max Horkheimer became the director of the Institute and recruited many of those who came to be known collectively as the Frankfurt School. Living, thinking, and writing in the aftermath of  Marxs failed prediction of revolution, and dismayed by the rise of Orthodox Party Marxism and a dictatorial form of communism, these scholars turned their attention to the problem of rule through ideology, or rule carried out in the realm of culture. They believed that this form of rule was  enabled by technological advancements in communications and the reproduction of ideas. (Their ideas were similar to Italian scholar-activist  Antonio Gramscis theory of cultural hegemony.)  Other early members of the Frankfurt  School included Friedrich Pollock, Otto Kirchheimer, Leo Là ¶wenthal, and Franz Leopold Neumann. Walter Benjamin was also associated with it during its mid-twentieth  century heyday. One of the core concerns of the scholars of the Frankfurt School, especially Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, and  Marcuse, was the rise of what Horkheimer and Adorno initially called mass culture (in  Dialectic of Enlightenment).  This phrase refers to the way technological developments had newly  allowed for the distribution of cultural products- like music, film, and art- on a mass scale, reaching all who were connected by the technology in society. (Consider that when these scholars began crafting their critiques, radio and cinema were still new phenomena, and television had not yet hit the scene.) Their concern focused on how technology-enabled both a sameness in production, in the sense that technology shapes content and cultural frameworks create styles and genres, and also, a sameness of cultural experience, in which an unprecedented mass of people would sit passively before cultural content, rather than actively engage with one another for entertainment, as they had in the past. They theorized that this experience made people intellectually inactive and politically passive, as they allowed mass-produced ideologies and values to wash over them and infiltrate their consciousness. They argued that this process was one of the missing links in Marxs theory of the domination of capitalism, and largely helped to explain why Marxs theory of revolution never came to pass.  Marcuse took this framework and applied it to consumer goods and the new consumer lifestyle that had just become the norm in Western countries at mid-twentieth century, and argued that consumerism functioned in much the same way, through a creation of false needs that can only be satisfied by the products of capitalism. Given the political context of pre-WWII Germany at the time, Horkheimer chose to move the Institute for the safety of its members. They first moved to Geneva in 1933, and then to New York in 1935, where they affiliated with Columbia University. Later, after the war, the Institute was re-established in Frankfurt in 1953. Later theorists affiliated with the School include Jà ¼rgen Habermas and Axel Honneth, among others. Philosopher Herbert Marcuse in 1968 while he was a Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at San Diego. Bettman/Getty Images Key works by members of the Frankfurt School include but are not limited to: Traditional and Critical Theory, Max HorkheimerDialectic of Enlightenment, Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. AdornoCritique of Instrumental Reason, Max HorkheimerThe Authoritarian Personality, Theodor W. AdornoAesthetic Theory, Theodor W. AdornoCulture Industry Reconsidered, Theodor W. AdornoOne-Dimensional Man, Herbert MarcuseThe Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics, Herbert MarcuseThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter BenjaminStructural Transformation and the Public Sphere, Jà ¼rgen HabermasTowards a Rational Society,  Jà ¼rgen Habermas

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eating Disorders Essays - Eating Disorders, Health, Psychiatry

Eating Disorders Essays - Eating Disorders, Health, Psychiatry Eating Disorders Did you know that 90% of women dislike the way they look? And its all because of the media and their emphasis on the ideal figure of a woman. Supermodels like Kate Moss and other Barbie-doll-figure-inspired women grace the cover of magazines all over the world promoting a perfect shape. Girls of all ages think that this is what people want to see. They think that this is what they should look like and try to set impossible goals for themselves to look like covergirls. As a result, many women in North America suffer from psychological illnesses. Among the most common are eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia and Bulimia generally arise in young women, but may also occur in older females and occasionally in men. People suffering from any of these sicknesses usually suffer from low self esteem. Victims may think things such as, my life would be better if I lost weight, or they may think that people would like them better if they were thinner. They may feel incapable and tell themselves, I never do anything right, or feel that nothing I ever do is enough. When they look in the mirror, victims see fat staring at them, no matter how thin and bony they may look to others. When shown pictures of themselves, Anorexia and Bulimia patients realize how thin they are but still are dissatisfied with their shape when they go to look in the mirror. Sufferers may lie about how much, how little, or when and where they have eaten so as not to admit to themselves or to others that they have a problem. They may also lie about vomiting and the use of laxatives. Depression or mood swings may also be symptoms of eating disorders. Lack of motivation, feeling isolated and alone, and having the feeling of no self-worth can lead to suicide. Eating disorders are commonly caused by a chemical imbalance in the victims brain. Everyone has a chemical in their brain called Seratonin. This is what controls your appetite. In Bulimia patients, this chemical is deficient and so they keep eating and eating. At that point they feel guilty and have the urge to dispose of the consumed food either by vomiting or having a bowel movement promptly after eating. Subsequently, their Vasopressin level increases and eventually takes over, making the disposal of food the norm. The opposite occurs in Anorexia patients. The Norepinephrine chemical in their brain is deficient. Norepinephrine is the appetite stimulant. In their case, they have no desire to swallow anything for fear of becoming obese. Compulsive Overeating is another eating disorder although not as common as Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa. Patients eat uncontrollably and gain a considerable amount of weight. And unlike Anorexia and Bulimia patients, Compulsive Overeaters are mostly male. Compulsive Overeaters eat mainly to cope with stress and anything that may be disturbing them. They, like Bulimics, understand that they have a problem. Most overeaters are people who were not taught how to deal with stressful situations. As Compulsive Overeating is not yet taken as seriously as other eating disorders, patients are directed to diet centers and health spas, but in the end, Compulsive Overeating can have the same consequences as Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. The most serious consequence being death. Nevertheless, it can be conquered with therapy and counseling. If they knew what eating disorders do to their bodies, patients would seek help much sooner. In Anorexia patients, fatigue, lack of energy, and Amenorrhea are very common physical problems, as are hair loss, infertility, osteoporosis (caused by lack of calcium) and depression. The same goes for those who suffer from Bulimia. Also, Bulimia patients may have rotted teeth (caused by excessive vomiting), cathartic colon (caused by laxative abuse), and inflammation of the pancreas. There are many more physical consequences that victims may encounter upon suffering from these afflictions. People who suffer from Anorexia and Bulimia are silently killing themselves. These sufferers are mostly women, but a growing percentage of men are beginning to catch on to this terrible disorder. They try to convince themselves that there is nothing wrong, but deep down they know that what they are doing is

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Analysis of Letter from a Birmingham Jail

A letter from Birmingham Prison was written by Dr. Martin Luther King in April 1963. As the title says, he is sitting in a prison in Birmingham, Alabama. King was sentenced for isolation in public places such as lunch counters and public toilets and sentenced for involvement in peaceful protest action (Berkley, 2003). When he was sentenced to prison, Mr. Kim protested against the White Ministers who believed that this was wise and obsolete demo guided by outsider guidance as partial demonstration. read. . The rhetorical analysis of Letters from Birmingham Prison, Letters from Birmingham Prison (Martin Luther King) is a letter to the king who wrote a letter to Priest in response to his recent criticisms. At that time I was leading Birmingham. This letter was written in April 1963. At that time, isolation was basically the peak in the south. In particular, Birmingham was said by the king probably the most isolated city in America ​​(King 7). Kim continues to inform the pr iests about reality, and waiting is no longer an option. In that letter, Kim uses various rhetoric methods. Dr. Martin Luther King, who rhetorically analyzed the letter from Birmingham Prison in Letters from Birmingham Prison said eight articles of clergy explaining Birmingham's racial injustice and money issues I answered. The reason for the organization is to protest against civil rights. He introduced himself and his behavior at the beginning of the letter. He stated that his direct action protest action was aimed at opening the door to the letter from Birmingham Prison. The letter explains the controversy that occurred when the clergy criticized Luther as it entered Birmingham. Luther King Jr wrote a letter to clergy, suggesting that racial discrimination is managed by a legal administrator and is not hindered by King and his team, outsiders. This letter was published by the American educational program

Friday, October 18, 2019

Narrative Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Narrative Critical Analysis - Essay Example Patricia Hampl has done a brilliant job in explaining how memoir is a picture of reality and imagination and hence, an attempt by a writer to find his hidden ‘self’. Through her essay, Hampl proves that a memoir is not just a life story but also a medium of self discovery as it helps the writer not only in understanding the hidden self, but also in harmonizing the images and emotions stored in the memory, and in attaining the most desired inner peace. Analysis From my experience of writing a memory narrative, I have learnt that the event in the past reveals a lot more than what I have thought it to be. It has made me realize that events that leave an emotional impact on us are the ones that leave more impact on the memory. It has shown me that most of the times, it is not the event but the interpretations we make about them that makes it more or less important. Also, one single event can be seen differently by different people as they see it through their own personal an gle. This fact has been explored in a clear manner in the essay ‘Memory and Imagination,’ by Patricia Hampl. Memoir is an account of true events in life and hence, it is not fiction. Fiction is completely imaginative while memoir is real life story told by people. However, according to Hampl, memoir also has touch of imagination to it. Hence, it has shades of fiction. This is the reason Hampl also says that the first draft of the memoir is important. Hampl says that the first draft is like a fresh look and revelation of the truth. It is written without the barriers of the conscious mind and hence, has a deep meaning to it. The first draft is the real thing as it is not written with careful observation or restrain. When the writing flows without any carefulness, then it brings the hidden feelings, interpretations and emotions of the writer. This brings the deep hidden emotions and thoughts to the surface. This helps the writer in discovering his own self which is usually hidden in the unconscious mind. Hence, Hampl also says that if the first draft is written with careful attitude, then it is a failure. By this she means that carefully written first draft does not bring the hidden feelings in the unconscious and fails to help the writer discover his own self. Hence, Hampl also says that heart is the boss of writing. According to Hampl, the conscious and rational mind takes a back seat while writing. Memoir is written with the aid of memories of past. However, memory is not static or frozen aspects of life. They are molded into shapes and colors which are added to it through person’s eyes and mental opinion. When a person writes, his intuition, his wishes and his dreams are fulfilled. The memoir is written without the pressure of being completely truthful. Hence, a writer tries to fulfill his unfulfilled wishes and desires in the past by showing them as fulfilled in his memoir. Moreover, when a person writes a memoir, his rational mind is ove rpowered by his irrational and imaginative mind. Moreover, the fears, disappointments, weaknesses and sadness, which is guarded by the rational mind, are given an outlet through the memoir. This shows that the mind loses its grip on a writer when he is writing and his heart takes the control. Hence, Hampl says that heart is the boss when writing. Hampl is right when she says that heart is the boss of writing. I have experienced that when I am writing about my life, I tend to be more open, unburdened and relaxed about my experiences and descriptions.

Management principle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management principle - Essay Example Leadership is essential in management as it spells out a clear vision that others work towards and formulates the strategies of realising that dream. Management can only be easy and effective if people work together and have the same purpose (Bolman, 2013:78). Efficiency holds time and task into consideration as activities in the organisation are undertaken while effectiveness focuses more on the impact of the activity or the result it has yielded. Efficiency is all about the cost and process under which the task was operated while effectiveness is about the result the activity has produced. In the modern society it would be better for an organisation if it can have both efficiency and effectiveness in its operations but if both can’t be achieved the ‘effectiveness’ is much preferred. This is because in these modern times no one would want to rush things over and end up with a poor result. It would rather be a little bit slow but produce real results. Saving cost should only be if the result is guaranteed and that the reason why technology is expensive but it guarantees good results (Chermack, 2011:55). Centralisation and decentralisation are two opposing business structures based on power to make decisions. In centralised organisations, directives and decisions to the conduct and activities in that organisation are made by a single individual probably the business proprietor like in tiny business while decentralisation is the vesting of power to make decisions and provide management directives on different people in the company such as the departmental managers among others (Chermack, 2011:44). This structural outline varies depending on the business or company. Formal planning is the clearly lucid and well thought-out and prepared ideas about individual or organisational objectives and precisely spelt out methods and procedures of achieving them

Power & Privilege Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power & Privilege - Essay Example With an eye towards balancing a calculation with relativity, I think a good working definition of poverty is the one Bagdikian offers. As for Ehrenreich’s writings, I found them to be interesting and evocative, but not particularly surprising. It doesn’t take an MIT graduate to figure out that $7.00/hr. for 40 hours a week isn’t going to buy three dollar-per-gallon gasoline while paying rent and groceries. Q2: What makes a person disabled? Similarly to defining poverty, disability can take both an objective and a subjective form. A person with a physical or mental condition that prevents them from functioning in a â€Å"normal† way is disabled. That said, however, it is far easier to recognize an individual imprisoned in a wheelchair than one locked up in her own mental hell; yet both are equally hampered when it comes to interacting with the community. As for my personal observations, the thing I dislike the most is the way that those with obvious disabilities are ignored in social settings, and the way those with cognitive function disabilities are mocked behind their backs. I have seen people in a crowded room act like the person in the wheel chair is not even there. I think everyone has seen people make fun of the mentally retarded. If I put myself in their place, I think I would want to be treated with the same respect and dignity as any other human being. Even if I am in a wheel chair, at least look at me and acknowledge my presence. Talk to me; introduce yourself. You know I am disabled, and I know I am disabled, but I am not invisible.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

In patients with central venous catheter, does the subclavian vein Research Paper

In patients with central venous catheter, does the subclavian vein site is better as comparing with jugular or femoral sites in reducing catheter related blood stream infection - Research Paper Example Hand sanitation, as per research and studies, confirms a decrease of pathogenic agents that propagates nosocomial infections and complications in patients who are confined in hospitals (Elridge et al 2006). The fundamental conclusion that arises from relevant hospital acquired infection researches as issued by the CDC were: â€Å"1) the hands of health care workers are regularly contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms; and â€Å"2) the hands of health care workers are a major route of transmission of pathogens throughout the hospital environment and from the body of one patient to another (Elridge et al 2006).† Thus, it is recommended by the 2002 CDC Guideline that alcohol-based hand rubs or ABHRs are more effective to use in dispensing pathogenic microbes; and are quicker to use than the traditional soap and water without the usual side effect of having dermatitis (Elridge et al 2006). The understanding of the health care staff workers especially in critical units of the hospital like the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), with regards to the essence of hand hygiene practice is significant as this is the best or one of the best ways to manage and avert contaminations which are normally present and related to health care (Cohen et al 2003). It must be clearly understood that newborns within the said unit can contract high degree of infections due to their very delicate immune system, which are not yet highly developed (Cohen et al 2003). The common transmission for the infection occurs after hand contact is established with â€Å"environmental surfaces and patient equipment† or the removal of gloves that generally happens prior to the performance of invasive procedures (Cohen et al 2003). In relation to the above circumstance, a guideline has been given out by the CDC on how proper hand washing should be done prior to any hands-on contact with patients that are critically ill or otherwise. But while the CDC Hand Hygiene Guideline has

Thesis driven argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thesis driven argument - Essay Example By mentioning the weight of the equipment, O’Brien shows how each character had a specific role and a specific burden to carry, whether it was being in charge of carrying a radio, being responsible for a man’s death, or being in love with a girl back home. Throughout the story O’Brien shows, from before leaving for Vietnam to unloading all of their equipment and coming home, the soldiers had a tremendously heavy physical and emotional burden to carry. The land itself and the foreign, unfamiliar terrain was a burden upon the soldiers as well. Because of being in the jungle, they â€Å"carried diseases, among them malaria and dysentery. They carried lice and ringworm and leeches and paddy algae and various rots and molds.† (14). This was not something that any of them were used to dealing with back at home. The difficulty of traveling through the terrain was a burden and difficulty as well: â€Å"They carried the land itself--Vietnam, the place, the soil--a powdery orange-red dust that covered their boots and fatigues and faces† (15). This was a burden that everybody had to deal with. The burden of being in a position of constant danger was another burden for all of the characters. They knew that at any moment they might be attacked, and they had to be prepared for the event. Each soldier had to carry various weapons: â€Å"In addition to the three standard weapons--the M-60, the M-16, and M-79...shotguns and silencers and blackjacks and bayonets and C-4 plastic explosives†¦they all carried fragmentation grenades† (7). Far from being a complete list of the weaponry that they carried, these weapons that they carried were constant reminders of the burden of being in such a dangerous situation to the point of needing all of those weapons. Even more than that, the burden they carried had as much to do with destructive power of the weapons that they were carrying: â€Å"They carried all they could bear, and then some,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Power & Privilege Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power & Privilege - Essay Example With an eye towards balancing a calculation with relativity, I think a good working definition of poverty is the one Bagdikian offers. As for Ehrenreich’s writings, I found them to be interesting and evocative, but not particularly surprising. It doesn’t take an MIT graduate to figure out that $7.00/hr. for 40 hours a week isn’t going to buy three dollar-per-gallon gasoline while paying rent and groceries. Q2: What makes a person disabled? Similarly to defining poverty, disability can take both an objective and a subjective form. A person with a physical or mental condition that prevents them from functioning in a â€Å"normal† way is disabled. That said, however, it is far easier to recognize an individual imprisoned in a wheelchair than one locked up in her own mental hell; yet both are equally hampered when it comes to interacting with the community. As for my personal observations, the thing I dislike the most is the way that those with obvious disabilities are ignored in social settings, and the way those with cognitive function disabilities are mocked behind their backs. I have seen people in a crowded room act like the person in the wheel chair is not even there. I think everyone has seen people make fun of the mentally retarded. If I put myself in their place, I think I would want to be treated with the same respect and dignity as any other human being. Even if I am in a wheel chair, at least look at me and acknowledge my presence. Talk to me; introduce yourself. You know I am disabled, and I know I am disabled, but I am not invisible.

Thesis driven argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thesis driven argument - Essay Example By mentioning the weight of the equipment, O’Brien shows how each character had a specific role and a specific burden to carry, whether it was being in charge of carrying a radio, being responsible for a man’s death, or being in love with a girl back home. Throughout the story O’Brien shows, from before leaving for Vietnam to unloading all of their equipment and coming home, the soldiers had a tremendously heavy physical and emotional burden to carry. The land itself and the foreign, unfamiliar terrain was a burden upon the soldiers as well. Because of being in the jungle, they â€Å"carried diseases, among them malaria and dysentery. They carried lice and ringworm and leeches and paddy algae and various rots and molds.† (14). This was not something that any of them were used to dealing with back at home. The difficulty of traveling through the terrain was a burden and difficulty as well: â€Å"They carried the land itself--Vietnam, the place, the soil--a powdery orange-red dust that covered their boots and fatigues and faces† (15). This was a burden that everybody had to deal with. The burden of being in a position of constant danger was another burden for all of the characters. They knew that at any moment they might be attacked, and they had to be prepared for the event. Each soldier had to carry various weapons: â€Å"In addition to the three standard weapons--the M-60, the M-16, and M-79...shotguns and silencers and blackjacks and bayonets and C-4 plastic explosives†¦they all carried fragmentation grenades† (7). Far from being a complete list of the weaponry that they carried, these weapons that they carried were constant reminders of the burden of being in such a dangerous situation to the point of needing all of those weapons. Even more than that, the burden they carried had as much to do with destructive power of the weapons that they were carrying: â€Å"They carried all they could bear, and then some,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Foodservice Management Information System Essay Example for Free

The Foodservice Management Information System Essay The Foodservice Management Information System (FMIS V) sold by Genesistems, Inc. since 1980 on mini and super mini computers is now available on low cost personal computers and popular networks under FMIS V. According to Genesistems President Eric Muench, new programming languages have provided a method of allowing Genesistems proven FMIS system to operate with the same speed and flexibility on the new popular personal computers that was formerly available only on larger computers. This brings the cost of an automated solution for the foodservice operator down to a price that is affordable. The manager must be able to determine prices and schedules, make forecasts, perform an ongoing audit of inventory and other company assets, and monitor performance. More and more managers are turning to the computer to provide this information on a timely basis, he said. Traditionally, foodservice institutions have had weak in-house accounting systems based on tedious manual procedures, Muench continued. The result has been poor cost control. Food cost information is generally outdated before manual computations can even be completed. FMIS V solves these and other problems at a reasonable cost. FMIS V consists of the following modules: general ledger, accounts payable, payroll, bank reconciliation, inventory control, recipe control, sales analysis, and management report writing. Telecommunications input is available for certain cash registers. All modules are integrated and provide full accounting information automatically to the general ledger for up-to-date financial statements. The Foodservice Management Information System is available nationally from Genesistems, Inc. For more details on the Foodservice Management Information System, please contact us for more information. General Ledger The General Ledger module is the center of the accounting system. It is a powerful yet easy to use module that can accommodate a single unit restaurant as well as a large multiple unit operation. The General Ledger is automatically updated from all other modules being operated. Both 12 and 13 period accounting are supported. The Trial Balance Report and General Ledger Report provide the necessary documentation and audit trails required of a professional accounting system. Financial Statements can be designed to your specifications by you within the General Ledger module. The optional Management Report Writer gives you the added ability to print complex financial statements that consolidate or compare multiple time periods and units if necessary. Account budgets may be set up and used in forecasting and comparisons to actual activity. Accounts Payable The Accounts Payable module is designed to allow you to better manage your vendor invoices and payments. Inventory purchases that are entered will be automatically updated to the Inventory, Recipe, and Sales Analysis modules without any additional work. Invoices may be entered in summary, detail, or a combination of the two. By entering invoices, you are creating the capability of accumulating unpaid invoices easily at any time. A purchase history by vendor is also maintained, and check payment can be accomplished easily in a method that is convenient for your operation. This module lets you stay on top of your outstanding invoices so that invoices are never paid for twice. Payroll The Payroll module is designed for time entry, printing payroll checks, general ledger distribution and year-end W-2 forms. It can operate on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis with all input verified, copied, and employee records updated during the End-Pay-Period procedure. Other useful options are included such as payroll history inquiry, earnings summary report, employee payroll history, tip allocation, tip reporting and is integrated to the optional Federal Magnetic Media Reporting module. The module is easy to use due to its one-step nature. After set-up with a General Ledger file and initial data entry, payroll tracking becomes relatively easy. Time is entered, then the register is printed. If corrections are necessary, they can be made to the appropriate entries and the register re-printed. After everything balances, checks and reports are printed and then the pay period can be closed. This module is designed to operate in conjunction with other modules that may be installed. Programs are explained as if the General Ledger module were included. Information is transferred to all integrated modules as a function of the End-Pay-Period procedure or is transferred each month through the End-of-Month posting procedure. Bank Reconciliation The Bank Reconciliation module is used to manage your bank accounts. It is automatically updated as checks are written and deposits are entered. A simple method of canceling checks allows you to reconcile the account to the bank statement in very little time. Multiple bank accounts can be maintained simply and easily. A historical check register is maintained for up to five years for your review. Accurate, on demand financial statements tighten management control and eliminate monthly accounting fees. True, double entry accounting with forced balancing of entries eliminates costly posting errors. Comparisons of business units permit management to make intelligent analysis and take effective action. Reporting accommodates easy consolidation of multiple units or companies for corporate requirements. Simple invoice entry organizes and validates invoices for accuracy and automatically updates the Inventory module if necessary. Accounts Payable Cash Requirements Report provides immediate access to a list of currently due invoices and the total cash required. Controlled payment of Accounts Payable invoices eliminates duplicate payments, conserves cash, and accrues interest. Selection and printing of Accounts Payable computer checks saves time and eliminates errors. Bank Reconciliation provides an easy way to control and reconcile any bank accounts. Inventory Control The Inventory Control module is designed to allow you a fast and easy way to keep track of your inventory. You are able to track what you have purchased and what prices you are paying from various suppliers for any length of time. In-house batch production items can be processed along with multiple location transfers. Inventory is first categorized into major classifications that you choose such as meat, dairy and produce. Inventory can be kept on a perpetual basis by entering your purchases for those items and taking a physical count monthly or as frequently as desired to get your actual usage on each item. Inventory may also be kept on a periodic basis which does not require entering all your purchases. The periodic method allows for entry of a physical count and last cost at any point in time and will automatically extend the inventory for you. Both methods provide inventory count sheets by specific storage location and fast inventory count entry methods. The two methods can also be combined to allow detailed control of high cost items and less detailed control of less significant items. Recipe Control The Recipe Control module works hand in hand with the Inventory Control module. It provides you with an organized method of entering your recipes. You can take advantage of the ability to monitor your costs at all times before cost increases erode your profit margins. Unlimited levels of sub-recipes can be maintained very easily. Recipes can include a plate cost for items that you may not want to set up. Recipes can be costed in seconds at Last Cost or Average Cost and can be printed or displayed on the screen. Each recipe can also have detailed preparation instructions set up for use as a training manual. Quick, accurate food and beverage cost percentages can spot increasing costs before it is too late. What If capability for quick, profitable decisions on effect of price and cost changes to a menu or individual item. Easy, timely, accurate trend information on profit margins and popularity of menu items. Regular variance reporting on Actual versus Potential Inventory Usage flags items to watch for excessive use. Prompt, accurate comparisons of multi-unit sales for better management analysis and decisions. Server analysis tells you who is and who isnt selling items such as specials and desserts. Usage, waste and pilferage information is available at any time for management corrective action to maximize profits. Inventory Use and Purchase History allows more accurate inventory planning. Provides a clear, precise way of standardizing recipes for easier employee use. Inventory transfers between multiple units are tracked for proper allocation of charges and better management relations. Inventory Production allows the tracking of in-house prep items to show actual inventory usage and real costs. Friendly, flexible set up allows you to track only information you need and not data that you dont care about. Sales Analysis The Sales Analysis module completes the operations triangle. Both Inventory and Recipe Control are related heavily to Sales Analysis. Menu items are set up and defined at this point. A menu item can refer to a recipe or directly to an inventory item. Daily sales can be entered manually or transferred from a point of sale device if one is available. Sales history is maintained on a daily basis for any number of years. Entering your sales will generate your potential or optimal use of each inventory item and will give you an actual versus potential usage variance. Sales trends can be tracked in a wide variety of methods using the Management Report Writer. Sales Analysis gives you the capability to stay on top of your margins and control them before they can hurt you. Management Report Writing The Report Writer module allows the creation of custom reports wanted by individual companies. The flexibility and adaptability of this module allows for seemingly unlimited variations of report types. This module is limited only by your imagination. Thirty-six columns are available for mathematical and statistical computations (only limited by your printers capability). Data to be printed on these reports can be drawn from a variety of sources. The most common source is General Ledger and the Report Writer is particularly suited to producing complex financial statements. Reports can also be produced based on data from Sales Analysis or from the Statistics section of the Management Report Writer.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economical Aspects of Architectural Design

Economical Aspects of Architectural Design Basics of Project Management Contents (Jump to) a) Describe and explain the difference between real estate and other assets / economic goods (e.g. capital products). b) Give at least three reasons why a client make an investment in real estate. c) In line with the scenario, List and explain all of the following:- the reasons for the client to appoint a Project Manager, referring to a least five (5) client’s tasks d) The kind/type of skills a Project Manager should have, and explain why s/he should be generalist within a client’s organization. e) List, explain and debate the major aspects/characteristics, to optimize the investment cost and subsequent (follow-up) costs within the design under constant consideration of the intended purpose. Also explain the basic interrelation between investment cost and subsequent cost. As the instructed project manager for an office building, you are being asked to analyse the architect’s design concerning economical aspects, by answering all the tasks in this brief. Task 1.1 a) Describe and explain the difference between real estate and other assets / economic goods (e.g. capital products). In order to know the differences between real estate and financial assets, one must first understand what these assets are. First and foremost, real estate is all of the value-generating properties and commodities owned by the client, being physical items such as lands and buildings on which you can put a specific value on. Such value is determined by various factors like the location, functionality and cost. Meanwhile, financial assets are all those transactional instruments which can be converted into cash. In fact, such assets can be in the form of trade receivables, shares or bonds and are done to represent an underlying value or percentage of the real estate. The difference between the two, is that such financial assets are more liquid when compared with real estate since they can be easily converted into cash. In fact, financial assets such as stocks can be easily sold within a matter of hours while real estate normally takes months to sell. Another difference between the two, is that the actual property may experience depreciation through the years while financial assets may generate more cash flow due to perpetual growth over the years. Needless to say, one must keep that in real estate the client would own the actual land, a land component which will have an infinite lifetime. Also, financial assets may possess a greater risk since the investment being done can’t be physically seen or studied. Finally, one must also keep in mind that the economic cycle is always changing by time (as seen in the image below) and therefore if such investment is to be done, the client must have an idea of the economy’s situation in the near future. b) Give at least three reasons why a client makes an investment in real estate. There are various reasons why a client should invest in real estate. These three main reasons are; Rental Such procedure is considered to be an old practice which is still commonly used nowadays, were the client buys a property and rent it out to a tenant/s. In fact, in such system the client/landlord is responsible to maintain such property in a condition and ensure that all taxes and other fees are also paid by this individual. On the other hand, the landlord will then request the tenant to pay a specific fee to cover all of the cost for maintenance and accommodation. Usually, when the mortgage of such property has been paid, the consequent rents will become a profit to the client. Trading Unlike the rental procedure, trading involves the buying of property with the intention of holding them for a short period before sell them in order to make profit. Especially when it comes to undervalued properties, a prospective client can make a substantial amount of profit for a low capital investment especially when renovation are done. Develop Although the previously mentioned reasons can offer a reasonable profit to the client, one must not forget that once an investment is done on a real estate it can offer multiple possibilities to develop such property. Therefore it is very important that when a client is buying a property, one makes sure that such investment can offer such profit possibilities in the future. Task 1.2 a) In line with the scenario, List and explain all of the following:- the reasons for the client to appoint a Project Manager, referring to a least five (5) client’s tasks (200 words) In order to have an optimum office building, one must have a combination of a specific target definition, adequate planning and professional execution from a team having an expert understanding. If adequate planning is used within the timeframe of the office building, it can reduce losses while also saving from the overall cost and time. In fact, such client tasks may include: Schedule Monitoring Quality Assurance Decision making Cost Monitoring Permit compatibility Although these are only few of the tasks that fall under project management, for this reason a project manager is appointed on behalf of the client. Such appointment must be done in order to have an individual which can make decisions and report back to the client. Since the office building may require a substantial amount of time to manage, a team of project management must be set up in order to realise the client’s concept. Within the office building the project manager will handle the mentioned client tasks like monitoring of schedule to ensure the deadline date is met, monitor cost to keep in line with the budget, conduct quality assurance to make sure they are within the agreed specifications and also support the client in the remaining tasks. Such procedure must be done to reduce the load or handle those which cannot be delegated by the client. Slide 68- understand with relation to time cost and quality†¦. * b) The kind/type of skills a Project Manager should have, and explain why s/he should be generalist within a client’s organization. (200 words) As the project manager of the office building, it is important to have a number of skills that ensures one can be comfortable with the specific project type and responsibilities associated with it. Such responsibilities may include process organisation, target definition, planning process and construction implementation. The project manager has to be able to give the best advice to the client, while building a healthy communication with the architects and specialists found within the project. Furthermore, by clearly defining the ‘Target Definition’, the project manager will ensure that all phases are done one after the other in the smoothest way possible. More importantly, the project manager must be also a generalist within the client’s organization in order to handle both the stages of the project and participants involved. A generalist project manager, will have enough experience to know that when involving participants at the early stages of the project they w ill put their knowhow and transmit their information to achieve a better overall outcome. Furthermore, such project manager will be able to look into the various project processes and create specific management functions in order to integrate the planner’s objectives with the demand of the executing companies. CHECK WHETHER TO ADD SPECIALISTS think about cost implication†¦remember the balcony alteration in midi project Task 1.3 c) In line with the scenario, List and explain the differences between line and staff functions (Project Leadership and Project Controlling) within different project management functions, giving at least five (5) examples concerning client’s tasks. During the project leadership and project controlling of the said office building, one can decide to choose either line or staff function. Line Function In this system, the hierarchical structure starts with the client and continuous with the other participants involved within the project. Since our office building is relatively complex, the client may not be able to manage all tasks and so, by assigning a project manager he will be responsible to handle the various client’s tasks. This will give a good idea of the project’s management requirements since they can directly impact the outcome of the project. Such client’s tasks are; Project Organisation Ensure permit compatibility Processes execution Enforcement Ensure project financing Such procedure, may also be adopted when the clients does not have a certain management knowhow. In such cases the engaged project manager will act as a â€Å"Temporary CEO† and represent the client in various managerial functions especially when it comes to the control of planner and executing entities.However, one must keep in mind that the project manager will still report to the client’s request. Staff Function On the other hand, within a staff function the client no longer has the ability to act as the primary deciding role but now he has to report to the project’s consultants. This system gives the client the responsibility to control this project (office building), however constant reporting must be made with the project manager. Add someting Task 1.4 d) List and explain the differences between transferable and non-transferable client’s tasks. (400 words) In large scale project Transferable tasks Non-transferable tasks e) List, explain and debate the major aspects/characteristics, to optimize the investment cost and subsequent (follow-up) costs within the design under constant consideration of the intended purpose. Also explain the basic interrelation between investment cost and subsequent cost. (500 words) One must ensure that the design of the scenario matches the concepts and sketches Make sure that the concept has been followed to ensure that the agreed initial concept is after all met. Any saving done at design stage one must see a saving at a later post-commission.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Definition Essay - Defining Reality -- Expository Definition Essays

Definition Essay – Defining Reality The distinction that causes the most trouble in philosophy is the distinction between "appearance" and "reality," between what things seem to be and what they are. The painter wants to know what things seem to be, the practical man and the philosopher want to know what they are. . . . but if reality is not what appears, have we any means of knowing whether there is any reality at all? - Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy In everyday life people distinguish between the real size of the sun and the size it appears to be, between the natural components of a cloud (a concentration of water droplets) and what the cloud seems to be (some fleecy substance?), and so on. However, when arguing of the reality of such things, how can any phy...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of Technology in Automobile Safety :: exploratoty essay research paper

Safety in automobiles always seems to be a large concern for both car manufacturers and buyers alike. While airbags and anti-lock breaks have become a common, yet useful commodity, the increasing role that technology is playing in the development of cars truly shows its potential with these in-the-works safety features. Night Vision Night Vision is a system that uses infrared cameras to help drivers see much farther distances at night while driving. Many different companies are each working on different designs of night vision, but they all have similar ideas. There are several mirrors with little cameras in them placed throughout the car. There is a lightsensing element inside the mirror which is also heat sensitive. Warmer objects, such as people or animals, appear white, while cooler objects, like buildings or trees, appear as various shades of gray or black. The mirrors are also programmed to automatically darken to reduce the glare of oncoming cars. On a clear night, some systems have been able to detect objects more than 1500 feet away which is almost four times as far as a driver can normally see. The only problem with the program is that it isn't as reliable during precipitation. The images aren't as detailed as they normally are. Collision Radar Researchers from Intelligent Vehicle Initiative, a partnershipd between the U.S. Department of Transportation and automobile industries are making advances on systems which, if successful, can tell you if you're about to run off the road or hit another car. The system is a pretty complicated construction of lasers which are set all over the vehicle. Since there are always blindspots, the idea is that the lasers compare the path of your car to the paths and speeds of the vehicles around you. If something is your car's path, collision radar systems can warn you and calculate the distance you have to stop. A camera is even programmed to look for painted lines on the road to determind if you are off center or drifting into another lane. Some advanced systems will even be able to detect lines when snow is covering the ground.

Friday, October 11, 2019

PEST Analysis Of AirAsias Essay

1.1Background AirAsia was set up by Dato’ Tony Fernandes in 2001. In December 2001, Fernandes and his partners set up Tune Air Sdn Bhd (Tune Air), an airline holding company then bought over AirAsia. Now, AirAsia has become one of the most successful airlines in the Southeast Asian region and the pioneer of low cost and no frills travel in Malaysia. The leading low fare airline in the Asia – AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become an award winning and the largest low cost carrier in Asia. With a fleet of 72 aircrafts, AirAsia flies to over 61 domestic and international destinations with 108 routes, and operates over 400 flights daily from hubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. To date, AirAsia has flown over 55 million guests across the region and continues to spread its wings to create more extensive route network through its associate companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia. AirAsia believes in the no-frills, hassle-free, low fare business concept and feels that keeping costs low requires high efficiency in every part of the business. Efficiency creates savings which are then passed on to guests so that affordable air travel can become a reality. Through our philosophy of ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’, AirAsia has sparked a revolution in air travel with more and more people around the region choosing AirAsia as their preferred choice of transport. As AirAsia continuously strives to promote air travel, we also seek to create excitement amongst our guests with our range of innovative and personalized service. The aim of the investigation The aim of this analysis is to conduct a PEST and SWOT analysis in the context of AirAsia’s international business operations, identifying the major variables involved and the impact of the specific threats and opportunities confronted by AirAsia .Besides that, The purpose of this report is to identify its stakeholders and core competencies, carry out a investigation of its external environment, review a strategic analysis of Airasia to identify opportunities and threats it might face, and to isolate key strengths and any weaknesses that need dealing with. Moreover a SWOT analysis will be carried out to assess the extent to which its strategies are suitable to what is happening in its present environment. Finally, after  identifying competitive strategy a Strategic plan will be made to gain competitive advantage. Chapter 2 DISCUSSION 2.1 Company Overview AirAsia is currently one of the leading low cost airlines in South East Asia which has expanded rapidly and it’s still the second largest air carrier in Malaysia. It dynamic nature of business is based on domestic and international flights, holiday and business arrangements for its customers domestically and internationally around the region with the low fare, safe and convenience means of transportation. ( AirAsia’s vision To be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares. AirAsia’s mission To be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family Create a globally recognized ASEAN brand To attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia Maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service levels AirAsia’s values AirAsia make the low fare model possible through the implementation of the following key strategies: SafetyFirst: Partnering with the world’s most renowned maintenance providers and complying with the with world airline operations. High Aircraft Utilisation: Implementing the regions fastest turnaround time at only 25 minutes, assuring lower costs and higher productivity. Low Fare, No Frills: Providing guests with the choice of customizing services without compromising on quality and services. Streamline Operations: Making sure that processes are as simple as possible. Lean Distribution System: Offering a wide and innovative range of distribution channels to make booking and travelling easier. Point to Point Network: Applying the point-to-point network keeps operations simple and costs, low. Products and Services offered By Air Asia In-flight services: †¢ Air Asia offer food and drinks on board programme . †¢ In-flight services customise meals and merchandise package upon request e.g. caps, T-shirts, and pants. Online services: †¢ Online booking makes it more convenient for its customers to book online anywhere anytime. †¢ Flight information is available to help customers make enquiries on flight schedules arrival and departure time and date. †¢ Chatter –flight: Created for a group of people, business travellers for purposes like meetings, conventions, leisure or even exhibition. Channels of distribution A number of alternate ‘channels’ of distribution may be available: Selling direct: †¢ Outbound sales forcer †¢ Via mail order, Internet †¢ Telephone sales Selling indirect: †¢ Agent, who typically sells direct on behalf of the producer †¢ Distributor (also called wholesaler), who sells to retailers †¢ Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customers Sales and Marketing AirAsia is an international company, and going global invites a lot of competition. AirAsia has to deal with the competition of local companies in the same field- Airline services. Competition for AirAsia would also be encountered in the virtual world-the internet. As they entered into the use of modern technology such as the public domain would invite competition on the global scale. Different localities and countries have different technological standards, and quality control policies, which AirAsia would have to adhere to, by adherence to these policies; certain intended developments may be possible in certain communities but not acceptable in others. According to CEO’s of the company, Mr. Fernandez, there are a lot workers or low pay salaries earners who would like to travel often to meet their families especially during special occasions but due to how expensive it was that time, their desire are not fulfilled. By introducing a low fare will give all those people opportunity to travel if not more than once in a year. This enables them to identify their target market. Reduced price sales  is one of the basics of securing a target market for AirAsia. They reduce their price to suit their class of customers Branding AirAsia went into intensive General advertisements and other high profile activities, which contributed to the high offering of their company’s image. They came with a brand â€Å" Now every one can fly† These points of contact with their target customer help them to build their image, which in turn created loyalty from their customers. Group Discounts and Offers Discounts or other offers can help exposure business to new customers, resulting in a sales increase . AirAsia is a ticketless Airline that allows customers to purchase their ticket online with at a discounted rate. They also have a scheme of group discount and this help to get more target market, especially internet based customers. 2.2Core competencies: Computer Reservation System (CRS) AirAsia’s CRS (Open Skies by Navitaire) has helped it to grow at a dramatic pace in the past couple of years. Tony Fernandes, CEO AirAsia described that Navitaire’s Open Skies technology has truly enabled Airasia’s growth from 2 million passengers to 7.7 million passengers in less than two years. Open Skies scaled easily to accommodate our growth. It is an integrated web-based reservation and inventory system. It includes Internet, call center, airport departure control and more. It is a direct sales engine that effectively eliminates the middleman (travel agents) and the sales commissions that need to be paid to them. Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) AirAsia has recently (May 2005) opted for a full fledged ERP system implemented by Avanade consultants. By implementing this package AirAsia is looking to successfully maintain process integrity, reduce financial month-end closing processing times, and speed up reporting and data retrieval processes. Self Check In With the use of the new self check in service a quicker and more convenient way to check in using mobile phones, laptops etc, connecting to the internet. This system is easier and faster for customers and their family to  check in at or before they get to the airport without having to queue up at the counter to check in. Air Asia credit card Air Asia offers a choice of credit card facilities to fit in their customers travel life style be it business, leisure, training or holidays. With an Air Asia credit card a customer can purchase any goods or services while travelling anywhere in the world online. Go Holiday services Air Asia has a product called Go Holiday, with the help of E-commerce Air Asia is able to display their coverage maps, holiday resorts, first and average class hotels, car rental services, and activities in different countries with their different rates and prices on Air Asia’s web page.. Using E-commerce, customers are able to select and make a holiday and travel arrangement with a hotel of their choice and class, a pick up car and even medical services. And payments for all this can be done on the internet using credit cards or other online E-payment methods ahead of travel time. Foreign workers and Contractors strategy AirAsia also target most foreign workers from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Macau who may not afford the expensive flight home and offer them the cheap fare which attracted most of them as would go home very often without paying much. 2.3 The Competitors Companies in all industries have direct as well as indirect competitors. Direct competitors in the aviation industry are companies that offer flights to similar destinations on comparable terms of travel. Direct competitors include: Malaysia Airlines: offering flights in same routes . Singapore Airlines: offering flights on same routes between London and Kuala Lumpur. Thai Air : operating flights between Bangkok an Kuala Lumpur. Air Srilanka: operating flights between Colombo and Bangkok. AirAsia are facing strong competition with major international and national airlines on the market shares In contrast to other airlines ,AirAsia offers better value for money 2.4Analysis of Environmental Factors In analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organization’s supply and demand levels and its costs (Kotter and Schlesinger 1991). The external environment of any organization can be analyzed by conducting a PEST analysis. The acronym PEST is used to describe a framework for the analysis of a range of macro environmental factors including the Political, Economical Social and Technological environment. PEST Analysis for AirAsia: Political Flying outside Malaysia is difficult. Bilateral agreement is one of the main obstacles in the way of low cost carriers. Landing charges is also another big influencing factor on costing of low fare airlines. The low- cost airline industry in south-east Asia has been underdeveloped because the aviation market is tightly regulated by bilateral air rights agreements. Threat of terrorism, people is afraid to fly after the September 11 terrorist attacks incident. Economic In spite of strong competition from Malaysian Airline (MAS), AirAsia’s low-cost carriers offering cheap tickets and few in-flight services are gaining attraction in the region. Current recession hit the aviation business. But with this economy slowing down, more people will want to enjoy its cheap tickets. Oil prices is another regulatory factor for this type of airlines. If oil prices go high, it is very difficult to control cost of operation. Social Passengers are reluctant to board a no-frills airline for a long-haul flight. Increasing world’s population, tourists and number of educated people helpful for the growth of aviation industry. Outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has scare people to fly. AirAsia commit to â€Å"Safety First†; comply with all regulatory agencies, set and maintain consistently high standards; ensure the security of staff and guests. Technology AirAsia provides online service that combines air ticketing with hotel  bookings, car hire and travel insurance. To help keep costs in check, Air Asia has pushed internet booking services. AirAsia also recently introduced GO Holiday, the airline’s online programme where guests can book holiday packages online in real time AirAsia has bought in A320 to replace Boeing 737. The Airbus A320’s improved fuel efficiency and extra capacity which leads to better performance and reliability. SWOT analysis for AirAsia Strengths Low operational and maintenance cost by having a single aircraft type fleet i.e. from Boeing 737 to Airbus A-320. Economy of scales benefits. Low operating cost due to being No Frill, online reservations system, quick check in etc. There is huge untapped market in the region, especially for business travellers and â€Å"for-the-first-time-flying† segment. As it is low cost airlines, it can target customers who are currently using non-aircraft modes like, Bus, Trains, car to travel to distances. Weakness Huge investment to purchase air planes and implementing latest technologies there is high amount of operational cost. Rising fuel price. Increased the operational cost. The flight times are more or less limited to 2.5 hours. So they cannot operate flights of longer duration without any Frill, so No-Frill becomes impossible to implement for passengers. Opportunity Low fares offer by AirAsia has encourage people from all walks of life style to fly. Especially, during economy down turn. Airbus A320 would encourage greater passenger capacity and offer comfortable service to customers. Introduction of SMS booking allows customer to book their seat at anytime and anywhere. With the commitment in ensuring the security of staff and customers, customer will have more confident to fly via AirAsia. Threats There are more no-frills airlines may take off in Asia to meet increasing consumer demand following the success story of Malaysia’s budget carrier AirAsia. Singapore Airlines plans to launch a budget carrier, they see the success of AirAsia. They know how big the market is and how good the opportunity is in Asia. Travelers may not choose AirAsia if they are to  travel long distance flight. They will prefer airlines such as MAS or SIA which provide better services. Demand to fly decreased via terrorism and outbreak of the SARS. 2.5 Marketing Plan Cost advantages activities: AirAsia already introduced cost advantages activities. Some of them describe below: Utilising one type of aircraft (Boeing 737-300 which will be fully replaced with Airbus A320) results in reduction of maintenance cost (one of the major expenses in airline industry), scheduling cost, administrative cost, and inventory of parts. Creative and low-cost advertising significantly reduces marketing cost. On the other hand, AirAsia direct sales through internet, call centres, walk-in airport sales, and sales offices significantly reduce the commission fee to travel agents as AirAsia only assigned its sales to limited travel agents AirAsia assigned multi-skilled cabin crews (2-3crews/flight), cost-effective training, performance based reward and incentives systems Target Market: Low- income Customers and tourism segment Malaysia emergence as a regional business and tourism hub has provided AirAsia plenty of room for growth and has fuelled regional air passenger traffic. Transit passengers Kuala Lumpur is the operational hub for AirAsia, which is the best connection point between Europe and Asia/Australia has supported the growth of their business. AirAsia has been using this â€Å"connection point† to promote their business. 2.6 Proposed Strategy for further expansion of AirAsia Extending New Routes: Extending current services into new markets may be helpful to further growth of this company. It is possible to achieve this strategy by launching existing services into new geographical area or new market segments. Adding new routes and destinations are possible; especially there is growth Malaysia and East Asia tourism. Activities related to this strategy: Marketing research Feasibility Study Contract with hotels and tourist agency at new destinations Finding out strategic partner Marketing new routes and destination Time frame and cost: It will take 1 to 2 years to start a new route and estimated cost around $200 million to new aircraft and for marketing cost. Organizational change: Recruiting new employees Arranging training for new employees Opening new office in new destination Evaluation criteria: New destinations are implemented to achieve new market development. Flight number in new destination is the best way to measure result of this strategy. Private Suite for business customer: Introducing new services into existing markets implies product development. This strategy involves the development of fresh competencies and requires business to expand customized services which can apply to current markets. That’s why Emirate Airlines introduce high quality first class private lounges to attract business travelers. Activities related to this strategy: Technical and feasibility Study Allocated budget Contract with a company to install new facility. Installation and modification of aircraft’s onboard facilities Time frame and cost: It will take 6 months to 1 year to complete installation new facilities in a single aircraft and estimated cost around $0.2 million to new aircraft and for marketing cost. Organizational change: Recruiting new employees to serve business customer Contract with new or existing company for catering service for business customer. Evaluation criteria: Quantitative measurement of this product would be number of booking or occupancy. Chapter 3 CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion By studying PEST, SWOT and marketing analysis, it could be said that AirAsia  is situated in standard cycle markets where it get competitive advantage for its business policy and strategy. Providing customers with superior products and services with low fare is synonymous to the AirAsia brand. However, it is necessary that Airasia should re-evaluate its strategies and focus on core values and competencies. For this why, AirAsia should reconsider their market and specific routes to obtain value other than price and survive the competition. From this study, it is possible to say that still there is some other option to expand this company. Adding new route and introducing business class suite may be suitable option for AirAsia for further growth. 3.2 Recommendations To remain leader in the market in serving customers, AirAsia has to re-evaluate their current strategy. Recommendation for improvement can be outlined as follows: AirAsia should make any major changes to their strategy after proper technical and feasibility study to avoid unnecessary risks. Oil price is a big factor to low fare airlines. So this company should make longer contracts with fuel suppliers for more stability As Airasia operates their fight very frequently, so they should have a spare aircraft at each location to avoid delays. AirAsia should consider environmentally friendly operation system as such as carbon offsetting to save environment. REFFERENCE Daniels, J. D. & Radebaugh, L. H. (1998), International Business ‘Environments and Operations, 8th edition, Addison-Wesley, USA. Peng Mike W, 2006, Global Strategy, Thompson, United States Porter Michael E, 1998, Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, United States. Websites: